김인호 사진

김인호 | 대학원 생명자원과학과(천) (생명자원과학관)

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미국 캔사스주립대학교에서 양돈 생산성 향상을 위한 사료 및 사양 프로그램 개발로 동물영양학 박사학위를 취득하고 동대학교에서 18개월간 연구원을 하였다. 그후 단국대학교 교수로 부임하여 지식경제부, 중소기업청, 농식품부, 한국연구재단 및 다양한 국내외 산업체들과 항생제 대체제 개발 및 브랜드 돈육 등을 개발하는 연구를 진행하고 있다. 수상실적으로는 1) 03년 한국동물자원과학회 퓨리나사료영양대상, 2) 05년 단국대 범은학술상(산학협력부문), 3) 07년 한국동물자원과학회 학술상, 4) 2007년 한국과학기술단체총연합회 과학기술우수논문상, 5) 08년 단국대 베스트 티칭 어워드, 6) 09년 교육과학기술부장관상(연구성과100선), 7) 10년 단국대 범은학술상(연구업적부문), 8) 10년 축산사료연구기술대상, 9) 11년 단국대 범은학술상(특별상), 10) 12년 한국양돈연구회 한국양돈대상, 11) 13년 동물자원과학회 우진 B&G학술상, 12) 13년 단국대 범은학술상(산학협력부문), 13) 16년 부총리겸 교육부장관 표창장, 14) 16년 단국대 범은학술상(연구업적부문), 15) 17년 한국과학기술한림원 정회원 선정, 16) 17년 단국대학교 범은학술상 (특별상), 17) 중소벤처기업부 장관상(산학연 전문가), 17) 22년 범정-혜당공로표창, 18) 23년 카길한림생명과학상, 19) 22년 농식품부 장관상, 20) 22년 한돈금상 등 있다.


  • [1988] 학사 단국대학교(천안캠퍼스) / 축산학과
  • [1990] 석사 단국대학교(천안캠퍼스) / 축산학과
  • [1995] 박사 Kansas State Univ. / 축산학과 / 양돈영양사료공학


기능성 돼지고기 생산
기능성 첨가제 개발
질병예방용 사양관리 프로그램 개발
저탄소 사료 개발

컨설팅 가능 분야

사료회사 위주의 제품 개발 및 배합비 컨설팅.
사료내 첨가 가능한 기능성 물질 임상 연구 수행.
브랜드 돈육을 위한 연구소재 개발.
항생제 대체제/분뇨악취저감제/다양한 사료원료평가


  • 일반논문[20241201] Dietary Bacillus spp. supplementation to both sow and progenies improved post-weaning growth rate, gut function, and reduce the pro-inflammatory cytokine production in weaners challenged with Escherichia coli K88
  • 일반논문[20241101] An evaluation of the effects of dietary mixed-species direct-fed microbial (probiotic) on growth performance, gas emissions, meat quality, nutrient digestibility, and fecal score in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20241001] Effects of micelle silymarin in corn-soybean meal-based diet on laying hens' performance, egg quality, and blood profile, with comparative assessment of blood absorption rates between powdered and micelle silymarin
  • 일반논문[20240801] Effect of Adding the Antimicrobial L Carnitine to Growing Rabbits Drinking Water on Growth Efficiency, Hematological, Biochemical, and Carcass Aspects
  • 일반논문[20240801] Dietary rutin alleviated the damage by cold stress on inflammation reaction, tight junction protein and intestinal microbial flora in the mice intestine
  • 일반논문[20240731] Supplementing Monosodium Glutamate in Sow Diets Enhances Reproductive Performance in Lactating Sows and Improves the Growth of Suckling Piglets
  • 일반논문[20240731] Dietary inclusion of micelle silymarin enhances egg production, quality, and lowers blood cholesterol in Hy-line brown laying hens
  • 일반논문[20240701] Effects of Micellar Quercetin Supplementation on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Fecal Microbiota, Meat Quality, and Physiological Status in Broiler Chickens
  • 일반논문[20240601] Dietary Bacillus subtilis- and Clostridium butyricum-based probiotics supplement improves growth and meat quality, and alters microbiota in the excreta of broiler chickens. .
  • 일반논문[20240601] Effect of dietary almond hull on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbial, fecal score, and noxious gas emission in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20240531] Supplemental effect of Pediococcus acidilactici CNCM I-4622 probiotic on the laying characteristics and calcium and phosphorus metabolism in laying hens
  • 일반논문[20240531] Achyranthes japonica extract as phytogenic feed additive enhanced nutrient digestibility and growth performance in broiler
  • 일반논문[20240501] Assessing the potential of phytogenic feed additives: A comprehensive review on their effectiveness as a potent dietary enhancement for non-ruminant in swine and poultry
  • 일반논문[20240501] Effect of Mentha arvensis enriched diet to promote the growth and immune response of Clarias batrachus against Aeromonas hydrophila challenge
  • 일반논문[20240501] Effect of Achyranthes japonica extract on growth, digestibility, microbiota, gas emission, and meat quality in broilers fed different protein diets
  • 일반논문[20240401] Assessment of Quillaja saponin as a feed supplement in maize-soybean-oilseed rape meal-based diet for enhanced growing pig performance
  • 일반논문[20240401] Dietary inclusion of almond hull on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, faecal microbiome, faecal score, and noxious gas emissions in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20240401] Supplemental effects of coated fish oil enriched in docosahexaenoic acid on the performance, blood lipid profile and meat fatty acid profile in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20240401] Weaning pig performance can be enhanced by replacing dietary inorganic copper and zinc with glycine or methionine-chelated copper and zinc
  • 일반논문[20240401] Effect of a multi-enzyme on growth performance, digestibility, blood profile, intestinal villus height, and fecal gas emission in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20240401] Dietary eubiotics of microbial muramidase and glycan improve intestinal villi, ileum microbiota composition and production trait of broiler
  • 일반논문[20240401] Comparative effects of dietary herbal mixture or guanidinoacetic acid supplementation on growth performance, cecal microbiota, blood profile, excreta gas emission, and meat quality in Hanhyup-3-ho chicken
  • 일반논문[20240301] Inclusion of dietary Quillaja saponin and seaweed on growth efficiency, noxious gas emissions, and fecal score in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20240301] Efficacy of decreasing levels of tryptophan relative to lysine on the performance and meat quality of finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20240301] Silybum marianum seed extract as a potential phytogenic feed additive for improving growth performance and nutrient digestibility in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20240301] Probiotic complex supplementation to growing pig's diet enhances daily growth and reduces fecal gas emission
  • 일반논문[20240301] Effects of extra-feed intake during late gestation on reproductive performance of sow and piglet performance during weaning stage
  • 일반논문[20240301] Strategies for reducing noxious gas emissions in pig production: a comprehensive review on the role of feed additives
  • 일반논문[20240301] The effects of synbioticsglyconutrients on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, gas emission, meat quality, and fatty acid profile of finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20240209] The effects of micelle silymarin on growth performance, nutrient utilisation, and blood profiles of weaning piglets
  • 일반논문[20240201] Effects of dietary supplementation of illite on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and meat-carcass grade quality of growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20240201] Effect of dietary Achyranthes japonica extract on growth performance of growing pigs and absorption rate of quercetin in blood
  • 일반논문[20240201] Comparison of the effects of zinc oxide and zinc aspartic acid chelate on the performance of weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20240103] Assessment of a 50:50 mixture of two Bacillus subtilis strains as growth promoters for finishing pigs: productivity improvement and noxious gas reduction
  • 일반논문[20240101] Synbiotic-Glyconutrient Additive Reveals a Conducive Effect on Growth Performance, Fatty Acid Profile, Sensory Characteristics, and Texture Profile Analysis in Finishing Pig
  • 일반논문[20240101] Influences of flavonoid (quercetin) inclusion to corn-soybean-gluten meal-based diet on broiler performance
  • 일반논문[20240101] Supplemental impact of silymarin in growing pig diet on the growth performance, total tract digestibility, fecal microflora, fecal noxious gas emission and absorption rate in blood
  • 일반논문[20240101] Pinecone oil supplemented to multiparous sows from 107 days prenatal to 21 days postpartum improves reproductive performance and milk composition and affects serum parameters
  • 일반논문[20240101] Effects of dietary inclusion of by-products obtained after the extraction of vitamin B2 from fermented soybean on the performance and meat quality of growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20231221] Growth Performance, Blood Lipids, and Fat Digestibility of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Bile Acid and Xylanase
  • 일반논문[20231201] Dietary exogenous phytase improve egg quality, reproductive hormones, and prolongs the lifetime of the aging Hy-Line brown laying hens fed nonphytate phosphorus
  • 일반논문[20231201] Marine-derived Ca-Mg complex influences lipid and glucose metabolism, serum metabolites, colostrum profile, and stress hormone in sows over four parity periods
  • 일반논문[20231201] Anise and grape seed oils as a feed additive to improve the performance, immune response, and antioxidant activity and reduce caecal pathogenic microbes of quail
  • 일반논문[20231201] Comparative effect of crumbled or mashed feed form on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, backfat thickness, and carcass quality of growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20231201] Evaluation of the impact of phytase supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and fecal score of growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20231124] Exogenous Enzymes as Zootechnical Additives in Monogastric Animal Feed: A Review
  • 일반논문[20231115] Investigating the Chemical Composition of Lepidium sativum Seeds and Their Ability to Safeguard against Monosodium Glutamate Induced Hepatic Dysfunction
  • 일반논문[20231011] The Efficacy of Yeast Supplementation on Monogastric Animal Performance-A Short Review
  • 일반논문[20231002] Effect of dietary supplementation of betaine and organic minerals on growth performance, serum biochemical parameters, nutrients digestibility, and growth-related genes in broilers under heat stress
  • 일반논문[20231001] Multi‑Enzyme Supplementation to Diets Containing 2 Protein Levels Affects Intramuscular Fat Content in Muscle and Modulates Cecal Microflora Without Affecting the Growth Performance of Finishing Pigs.
  • 일반논문[20231001] Improving productive performance, immunity, and health status of growing rabbits by using honey bee venom (Apis mellifera)
  • 일반논문[20230928] Exogenous Phytase Improves Growth Performance, Nutrient retention, Tibia Mineralization, and breast meat Quality in Ross-308 broilers
  • 일반논문[20230901] Protective Effects of Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) on Barrier Function Injury of Porcine Intestinal Epithelial (IPEC-J2) Cells induced by Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
  • 일반논문[20230901] Evaluation of dietary effects of lactic acid supplementation on growth performance, and nutrient digestibility in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20230901] Determination of garlic extract efficacy on growth, nutrient digestibility, and fecal score of growing pigs via diet supplementation
  • 일반논문[20230901] Effect of genetically modified organisms feed ingredients (corn and soybean) in diet on egg production, egg broken rate and egg quality in layers
  • 일반논문[20230815] Enhancement of protective vaccine-induced antibody titer to swine diseases and growth performance by Amino-Zn, yucca extract, and beta-mannanase feed additive in wean-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20230701] An evaluation of gallic acid supplementation to corn-soybean-gluten meal- based diet in broilers
  • 일반논문[20230701] Probiotic mixture (Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis) a potential in-feed additive to improve broiler production efficiency, nutrient digestibility, cecal microflora, meat quality, and to diminish hazardous odor emission
  • 일반논문[20230701] Role and functions of micro and macro-minerals in swine nutrition: a short review
  • 일반논문[20230701] Marine derived Ca-Mg complex supplementation basal diet during four subsequent parities improved longevity and performance of sows and their litters
  • 일반논문[20230601] Effects of iron injection in suckling piglets on growth performance, fecal score, and hematological criteria
  • 일반논문[20230601] Multispecies probiotic supplementation in diet with reduced crude protein levels altered the composition and function of gut microbiome and restored microbiome-derived metabolites in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20230601] Effects of herbal supplements on milk production quality and specific blood parameters in heat-stressed early lactating cows
  • 일반논문[20230601] Production performance and egg quality parameters in Hy-line brown laying hen in response to extra feed supplementation
  • 일반논문[20230601] Effects of dietary supplementation of diacylglycerol on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal noxious gas emission, and hematology parameters in weaned piglets
  • 일반논문[20230601] Efficacy of yeast and garlic extract mixture on growth performance, tract digestibility, excreta microbiota, gas emission, blood profile, and meat quality in broiler
  • 일반논문[20230601] Effect of quercetin supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, excreta bacterial count, noxious gas emission and meat quality of broilers when fed different protein diets
  • 일반논문[20230516] Application of natural bioactive compounds in animal nutrition
  • 일반논문[20230301] The impact of replaced whey protein and semi-moist diet with difference energy content on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in newly weaned piglets
  • 일반논문[20230301] The Effects of Yucca Schidigera Extract and Multi-carbohydrase in Different Crude Protein Diets on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Carcass Parameters and Excreta Noxious Gas Contents in Broilers
  • 일반논문[20230301] Effects of fermented soybean meal supplementation on the growth performance and apparent total tract digestibility by modulating the gut microbiome of weaned piglets
  • 일반논문[20230301] Influence of Achyranthes japonica extracts supplementation in the diets of finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20230301] Effect of purified fish oil supplementation on growth performance, meat quality and blood profile in broilers
  • 일반논문[20230301] Effect of DHA supplementation on broilers' growth performance, meat quality and blood profile
  • 일반논문[20230301] Effect of Achyranthes japonika Nakai extract on growth performance, apparent nutrient digestibility, excreta microbial count and gas emission in broilers fed different protein diets
  • 일반논문[20230301] Evaluation of full-fatted and hydrolysate mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) larvae as a substitute for spray-dried plasma protein diet in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20230301] Comparative study of the effects of high- versus low-dose zinc oxide in the diet with or without probiotic supplementation on weaning pigs? growth performance, nutrient utilization, fecal microbes, noxious gas discharges, and fecal score
  • 일반논문[20230301] Effect of mixed organic acid and levan type fructan supplementation on improving performance and reducing gas emission of weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20230301] Analysis of the effects of mash and/or crumble form feed on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and back fat thickness in growingꠓfinishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20230301] Effects of adding graded levels of Achyranthes japonica root extract to low crude protein diet on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbiota, and meat quality parameters in broilers
  • 일반논문[20230301] Exogenous protease supplementation to the diet enhances growth performance, improves nitrogen utilization, and reduces stress in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20230301] Effect of non-starch polysaccharide enzyme supplementation with gradually reduced energy diet on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, lean meat percentage and backfat thickness of growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20230301] Microbial agent spraying in pig housing and slurry can potentially reduce harmful gas emissions - a preliminary study
  • 일반논문[20230201] Evaluation on the Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Faecal Microbiota, Noxious Gas Emission, and Faecal Score on Weaning Pigs Supplement with and without Probiotics Complex Supplementation in Different Level of Zinc Oxide
  • 일반논문[20230101] Tributyrin and anise mixture supplementation improves growth performance, nutrient digestibility, jejunal villus height, and fecal microbiota in weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20230101] Effects of Dietary Blend of Algae Extract Supplementation on Growth, Biochemical, Haemato-Immunological Response, and Immune Gene Expression in Labeo rohita with Aeromonas hydrophila Post-Challenges
  • 일반논문[20230101] Lactating sows fed whey protein supplement has eventually increased the blood profile of piglets
  • 일반논문[20230101] Health benefits of co-supplementing mealworm protein hydrolysate and cranberry fruit extract
  • 일반논문[20221201] Impact of Artificial Colostrum Supplement on the Growth Performance and Blood Profile in Piglets
  • 일반논문[20221201] Nourishing neonatal piglets with synthetic milk and Lactobacillus sp. at birth highly modifies the gut microbial communities at the post-weaning stage
  • 일반논문[20221201] Maintenance of gut microbiome stability for optimum intestinal health in pigs - a review
  • 일반논문[20221201] Effect of dietary phytase supplementation with different calcium/phosphorus ratio and net energy reduction on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20221201] Fermented red ginseng and red ginseng extract diet supplementation on the effect of growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and meat quality of growing-fattening pigs
  • 일반논문[20221201] Influence of protected organic acids on growth performance, fecal microbial composition, gas emission, and apparent total tract digestibility in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20221201] Effects of salicylic acid on growth performance, fecal score, blood profile, and nutrient digestibility in weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20221201] Coated refined fish oil supplementation improves growth performance and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20221201] Lysolecithin Improves Broiler Growth Performance through Upregulating Growth-Related Genes and Nutrient Transporter Genes Expression Independent of Experimental Diet Nutrition Level
  • 일반논문[20221201] A preliminary evaluation on mixed probiotics as an antimicrobial spraying agent in growing pig barn
  • 일반논문[20221201] Effects of Enterococcus faecium SLB 130 probiotic on the performance of weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20221101] Effects of adding graded levels of Achyranthes japonica root extract to low crude protein diet on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbiota, and meat quality parameters in broilers
  • 일반논문[20221001] Effects of protease enzyme supplementation in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20221001] Effects of dietary supplementation of quillaja saponin or fructooligosaccharide and a mixture of both on the growth performance, nutrient utilisation, faecal microbial and faecal noxious gas emissions in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20221001] Effect of purified docosahexaenoic acid supplementation on production performance, meat quality, and intestinal microbiome of finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20221001] Impact of synergistic blend of organic acids on the performance of late gestating sows and their offspring
  • 일반논문[20220901] E. coli-expressed human lysozyme supplementation improves growth performance, apparent nutrient digestibility, and fecal microbiota in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20220901] Inclusion of non-toxic sulfur in the diet positively affects daily growth, serum lipid profile and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20220901] Inclusion of Dietary L-arginine Supplementation During Late Gestation and Lactation on Litter Performance in Sow
  • 일반논문[20220901] Feeding Broiler Chicks with S. Pombe-Expressed Phytase-Containing Diet Improves Growth Performance, Phosphorus Digestibility, Toe Ash, and Footpad Lesions
  • 일반논문[20220901] Comparative efficacy of soybean meal vs fermented soybean meal on ileal digestibility and urine contents in weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20220901] Tryptophan Supplementation Enhances Intestinal Health by Improving Gut Barrier Function, Alleviating Inflammation, and Modulating Intestinal Microbiome in Lipopolysaccharide-Challenged Piglets
  • 일반논문[20220901] Silybum marianum seed extract supplementation positively affects the body weight of weaned piglets by improving voluntary feed intake
  • 일반논문[20220901] Effect of dietary salicylic acid supplementation on performance and blood metabolites of sows and their litters
  • 일반논문[20220901] Effect of milk flavor supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal score, and blood profiles in weaning piglets
  • 일반논문[20220901] Effects of dehulled lupin kernel (DLK) supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine, fecal microbiota and fecal noxious gas emission in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20220801] Effect of dietary supplementation with Lactobacillus plantarum on growth performance, fecal score, fecal microbial counts, gas emission and nutrient digestibility in growing pigs.
  • 일반논문[20220801] Editorial: The development and utilization of novel antibiotic alternatives. Sec. Antimicrobials, Resistance and Chemotherapy
  • 일반논문[20220801] Silymarin seed extract supplementation enhances the growth performance, meat quality, and nutrients digestibility, and reduces gas emission in broilers
  • 일반논문[20220701] Effects of supplementation of graded level of glutamic acid to crude protein reduced diets on the performance of growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20220701] Supplemental impact of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) hard pellet and residue pellet-based diet as a replacement for corn on the growth performance, total tract digestibility and blood profiles in pigs
  • 일반논문[20220601] Achyranthes Japonica Nakai root extract supplementation improves apparent nutrient digestibility, caecum microbiota, and excreta gas emission in broiler chicks
  • 일반논문[20220601] Supplemental effect of coated refined fish oil on the performance of finishing pigs fed diets containing soybean-meal as a partial alternative to barley or wheat feed ingredient.
  • 일반논문[20220601] Evaluation of distillers dried grains with solubles to partially replace soybean meal in the diet of growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20220601] Effect of condensed molasses fermentation solubles (CMS) to replace molasses on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and backfat thickness in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20220601] Supplementation of δ-aminolevulinic acid to sows’ diet from day 100 of gestation to lactation improves the feed intake and red blood cells of sows and improves the birth weight of offspring
  • 일반논문[20220601] Dietary inclusion of Achyranthes japonica extract to corn-soybean meal-wheat-based diet on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, cecal microflora, excreta noxious gas emission, and meat quality of broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20220601] Dietary Supplementation of Limosilactobacillus mucosae LM1 Enhances Immune Functions and Modulates Gut Microbiota Without Affecting the Growth Performance of Growing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20220501] A glimpse on influences of feed additives in aquaculture
  • 일반논문[20220401] Micelle silymarin supplementation to fattening diet augments daily gain, nutrient digestibility, decreases toxic gas emissions, and ameliorates meat quality of fattening pigs
  • 일반논문[20220401] Sows fed with synergistic blend of short- and medium chain organic acid has a carryover effect on postweaning growth rate
  • 일반논문[20220401] Effect of Dietary Phytase Supplementation on Growth Performance, Organ Weight and Tibia Ash of Broilers
  • 일반논문[20220401] The Effect of Dietary Glucose Oxidase Supplementation on Production Performance, Egg Quality and Nutrient Digestibility in Laying Hens
  • 일반논문[20220401] Evaluation of Lactobacillus Plantarum Additive on Growth Performance, Excreta Microbiota, Nutrient Digestibility, Gas Emission, and Meat Quality in Ross308-Broilers
  • 일반논문[20220401] Quercetin extracted from Sophora japonica flower improves growth performance, nutrient digestibility, cecal microbiota, organ indexes, and breast quality in broiler chicks
  • 일반논문[20220301] Phytase expressed from Saccharomyces pombe ameliorates footpad lesions in cage-reared broiler chicks
  • 일반논문[20220301] Effect of sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate (PROSOL®) supplementation on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20220301] Evaluation of adding Sodium Stearoyl-2-Lactylate to energy-reduced diets on broilers’ development, nutritional digestibility, bacterial count in the excreta, and serum lipid profiles
  • 일반논문[20220301] Possibility of using glucose oxidase in the diet to improve selected indicators of blood antioxidant defense, digestibility, and growth performance of broiler chicken
  • 일반논문[20220301] Dietary 25(OH)D3 supplementation to gestating and lactating sows and their progeny affects growth performance, carcass characteristics, blood profiles and myogenic regulatory factor-related gene expression in wean-finish pigs
  • 일반논문[20220301] Supplementing volatile-flavour herbal-extract mixture to the diet of sows and their weaned offspring improves the growth performance of weaned piglets
  • 일반논문[20220301] Dietary supplementation of Aspergillus niger-expressed glucose oxidase ameliorates weaning stress and improves growth performance in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20220301] Impact of yeast hydrolysate (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) supplementation on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microflora, noxious gas emission, blood profile, and meat quality of finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20220301] Preliminary study to investigate the effects of zinc oxide on growth performance, total tract digestibility, and fecal scores in growing pigs fed a diet based on corn and wheat
  • 일반논문[20220301] Effects of supplementation of graded level of glutamic acid to crude protein reduced diets on the performance of growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20220301] Effect of Bacillus subtilis C-3102 Spores as a Probiotic Feed Supplement on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Diarrhea Score, Intestinal Microbiota, and Excreta Odor Contents in Weanling Piglets
  • 일반논문[20220201] Effect of phytase supplementation in swine and poultry nutrition - A Review
  • 일반논문[20220201] Dietary hydrolyzed wheat gluten supplementation ameliorated intestinal barrier dysfunctions of broilers challenged with Escherichia coli O78
  • 일반논문[20220101] Effect of low-nutrient-density diet with probiotic mixture (Bacillus subtilis ms1, B. licheniformis SF5-1, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) supplementation on performance of weaner pigs
  • 일반논문[20220101] Effects of Achyranthes japonica extract on the performance of finishing pigs fed diets containing palm kernel meal-rapeseed meal as a partial alternative to soybean meal
  • 일반논문[20220101] Effect of Detoxified Nano Sulfur Supplementation on the Growth, Nutrient Digestibility, Meat Quality, Excreta Microbes, Gas Emissions, and Blood Profiles of Broilers
  • 일반논문[20211201] Effects of Different Levels of Dietary Energy and Nutrient Density during the Pre-Peak and Peak Periods on Egg Quality in Hy-Line Brown Laying Hens
  • 일반논문[20211201] Dietary inclusion of mineral detoxified nano-sulfur dispersion on growth performance, fecal score, fecal microbial, gas emission, blood profile, digestibility and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20211201] Inclusion of probiotic (Lactobacillus plantarum) in high- and low-nutrient-density diets reveals a positive result on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, gas emission, and blood profile in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20211201] Effects of broiler chicks fed the low crude protein diet supplemented with Achyranthes japonica Nakai root extract on growth performance and carcass traits
  • 일반논문[20211201] Effects of Quillaja saponin supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbiota, and fecal gas emission in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20211201] Influence of the supplementation of Achyranthes japonica extracts on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, gas emission, fecal microbial, and meat quality traits of finishing pigs with different nutrition concentrations in the diet
  • 일반논문[20211201] Lactulose as a potential additive to enhance the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and microbial shedding, and diminish noxious odor emissions in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20211201] Performance of phytoncide (Pinus koraiensis extract) as an alternative to zinc oxide supplementation in weaning pig diet
  • 일반논문[20211201] Effect of increasing levels of threonine relative to lysine on the performance and meat quality of finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20211101] Effects of adding high-dosing Aspergillus oryzae phytase to corn-wheat-soybean meal-based basal diet on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, faecal gas emission, carcass traits and meat quality in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20211101] Evaluation of potentiated zinc oxide as a source of zinc in broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20211101] Effect of Yeast Culture (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Supplementation on Growth Performance, Excreta Microbes, Noxious Gas, Nutrient Utilization, and Meat Quality of Broiler Chicken
  • 일반논문[20211101] Supplemental Effect of Lactobacillus Plantarum on the Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Gas Emission, Excreta Microbiota, and Meat Quality in Broilers
  • 일반논문[20211101] Effects of dietary supplementation of herbal active ingredients promoting insulin-like growth factor-1 secretion on production performance, egg quality, blood hematology, and excreta gas emission in laying hens
  • 일반논문[20211001] Effect of microencapsulated organic acids on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, fecal gas emission, fecal microbial, and meat-carcass grade quality of growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20211001] Multispecies probiotics alter fecal short-chain fatty acids and lactate levels in weaned pigs by modulating gut microbiota
  • 일반논문[20211001] Influence of Low and High-density Diets with Yeast Supplementation on Feed Intake, Nutrient Digestibility, Egg Production and Egg Quality in Hy-line Brown Laying Hens
  • 일반논문[20211001] Dietary glucose oxidase supplementation improves growth performance, apparent nutrient digestibility, and serum antioxidant enzyme parameters in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20210901] Effects of Microbial Phytase Supplementation on Egg Production and Egg Quality in Hy-line Brown Hens During the Late Laying Period
  • 일반논문[20210901] Effects of long-term feeding of Achyranthes japonica Nakai extractas a supplement to diets with different protein levels diets on the growth performance and meat quality characteristics of growing-fattening pigs
  • 일반논문[20210901] Evaluation of dietary-coated omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on reproduction performance, growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and blood profiles in lactating sows and suckling piglets
  • 일반논문[20210901] Effects of group size and homeopathic product supplement consisting of botanicals and mineral mixture on the performance and production traits of finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20210801] Flavor supplementation during late gestation and lactation periods increases the reproductive performance and alters fecal microbiota of the sows
  • 일반논문[20210801] Evaluation of Dietary Probiotic (Lactobacillus plantarum BG0001) Supplementation on the Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profile, Fecal Gas Emission, and Fecal Microbiota in Weaning Pigs
  • 일반논문[20210801] The Impact of Weaning Stress on Gut Health and the Mechanistic Aspects of Several Feed Additives Contributing to Improved Gut Health Function in Weanling Piglets-A Review
  • 일반논문[20210801] Effect of dietary supplementation of beta-mannanase on growth performance, carcass characteristics, excreta microflora, blood constituents, and nutrient ileal digestibility in broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20210801] Effects of the Inclusion of Dietary Organic Acid Supplementation with Anti-Coccidium Vaccine on Growth Performance, Digestibility, Fecal Microbial, and Chicken Fecal Noxious Gas Emissions
  • 일반논문[20210801] Glycine Attenuates Citrobacter rodentium-Induced Colitis by Regulating ATF6-Mediated Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Mice
  • 일반논문[20210701] Influence of Achyranthes japonica extracts supplementation in the diets of finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20210701] Dietary Supplementation with Glycine Enhances Intestinal Mucosal Integrity and Ameliorates Inflammation in C57BL/6J Mice with High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity
  • 일반논문[20210701] Dietary inclusion of glucose oxidase supplementation to corn-wheat-based diet enhance growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile of lactating sows
  • 일반논문[20210601] Effects of dietary lysozyme supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, intestinal microbiota, and blood profiles of weanling pigs challenged with Escherichia coli
  • 일반논문[20210601] Influence of yeast hydrolysate supplement on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, microflora, gas emission, blood profile, and meat quality in broilers
  • 일반논문[20210601] Effect of dietary inclusion of Achyranthes japonica extract on growth performance, fecal microbiota, fecal gas emission, nutrient digestibility, and meat-carcass grade quality traits in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20210601] The influence of dietary inclusion of wood vinegar supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and meat quality in grower-finisher pigs
  • 일반논문[20210601] Effect of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in salmon oil on the production performance of lactating sows and their offspring
  • 일반논문[20210601] Influence of enzyme mixture supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and fecal score in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20210601] Impact of phase feeding: effects on the growth performance of sows and their litter characteristics
  • 일반논문[20210501] Supplemental effects of fish oil and powdered/coated docosahexaenoic acid on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile and fecal coliform and lactic acid bacteria counts in weaner pigs
  • 일반논문[20210501] Supplemental Impact of Marine Red Seaweed (Halymenia palmata) on the Growth Performance, Total Tract Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profiles, Intestine Histomorphology, Meat Quality, Fecal Gas Emission, and Microbial Counts in Broilers
  • 일반논문[20210501] Quercetin from Sophora japonica alleviates growth retardation of broilers on a low protein diet
  • 일반논문[20210501] Effects of supplementation of high-dosing Trichoderma reesei phytase in the corn-wheat-soybean meal-based diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, carcass traits, faecal gas emission, and meat quality in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20210401] The effects of road transportation with or without homeopathic remedy supplementation on growth performance, apparent nutrient digestibility, fecal microbiota, and serum cortisol and superoxide dismutase levels in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20210401] Bacteriophage cocktail supplementation improves growth performance, gut microbiome and production traits in broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20210301] Effect of dietary poppy seed meal supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbiota, and blood profile in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20210301] Influence of sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate emulsifier on growth performance and nutrient digestibility of growing pig
  • 일반논문[20210301] Achyranthes japonica extracts supplementation to growing pigs positively influences growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbial shedding, and fecal gas emission
  • 일반논문[20210301] Dietary Inclusion of Blood Plasma with Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Supplementation Enhanced the Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Lactobacillus Count, and Reduced Gas Emissions in Weaning Pigs
  • 일반논문[20210301] Ochratoxin A: Carryover from animal feed into livestock and the mitigation strategies
  • 일반논문[20210301] Evaluation of the combined effects of different dose levels of Zinc oxide with probiotics complex supplementation on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, faecal microbiota, noxious gas emissions and faecal score of weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20210301] Influences of betaine supplementation on growth performance and fecal score in sows and their piglets fed a corn soybean mealbased diet
  • 일반논문[20210301] Effects of flaxseed oil supplementation on lactating sows and their offspring
  • 일반논문[20210301] Ursolic acid alleviates heat stress-induced lung injury by regulating endoplasmic reticulum stress signaling in mice
  • 일반논문[20210201] Effects of dietary supplementation of enzymatic bio-conversion of Scutellaria baicalensis extract as an alternative to antibiotics on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbiota, fecal gas emission, blood hematology, and antioxidative indicators in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20210201] Effects of two bacillus strains probiotic supplement on reproduction performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, fecal score, excreta odor contents and fecal microflora in lactation sows, and growth performance in sucking piglets
  • 일반논문[20210101] Effects of Bacillus licheniformis derived-protease supplementation, alone or in combination, with valine to low protein diet on growth performance and carcass quality grade in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20210101] Experimental study on the effect of zeolite (clinoptilolite) on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and faecal microbiota of finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20210101] Effects of dietary supplementation with 25-OH-D3 during gestation and lactation on reproduction, sow characteristics and piglet performance to weaning 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in sows
  • 일반논문[20210101] Effects of probiotics complex supplementation in low nutrient density diet on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, faecal microbial, and faecal noxious gas emission in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20201201] Effect of dietary ractopamine supplementation on growth performance, meat quality and fecal score in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20201201] Effect of GABA on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and backfat thickness in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20201201] Effect of quercetin (flavonoid) supplementation on growth performance, meat stability, and immunological response in broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20201201] Supplementation of a low-energy diet with recombinant ferritin from Perinereis sp. can be beneficial to finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20201201] Toxicity of Canola-Derived Glucosinolate Degradation Products in Pigs—A Review
  • 일반논문[20201201] Evaluation of feeding periods of dietary conjugated linoleic acid supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20201201] Importance of micronutrients in bone health of monogastric animals and techniques to improve the bioavailability of micronutrient supplements: a review
  • 일반논문[20201101] The Effect of black pepper (Piperine) extract supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbial, fecal gas emission, and meat quality of finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20201101] Evaluation of Achyranthes japonica Nakai extract on growth performance, nutrient utilization, cecal microbiota, excreta noxious gas emission, and meat quality in broilers fed corn-wheat-soybean meal diet
  • 일반논문[20201101] Coated omega-3 fatty acid from linseed oil positively affect sow immunoglobulin G concentration and pre-weaning performance of piglet
  • 일반논문[20201101] Supplemental effects of coated omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids to basal diet on improving growth performance, nutrients digestibility, fecal lactobacillus count and fecal score in weaning pigs.
  • 일반논문[20201101] Effects of probiotics containing (Lactobacillus planetarium) and chlortetracycline on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microflora, diarrhea score and fecal gas emission in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20201001] Effects of the combination of multistrain probiotics and Castanea crenata shell extract on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbial shedding, meat quality, noxious gas emissions, and blood parameters in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20201001] Effect of Dietary β-1,3-Glucan Supplementation and Heat Stress on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Meat Quality, Organ Weight, Ileum Microbial and Immunity in Broilers
  • 일반논문[20201001] Effects of Achyranthes bidentata polysaccharides on performance, immunity, antioxidant capacity, and meat quality in Pekin ducks
  • 일반논문[20201001] Effects of dietary probiotic blend and liquid feed program on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and fecal score at different nutrition concentrations in weaning piglets
  • 일반논문[20201001] Dietary Astragalus membranaceus and Codonopsis pilosula extracts mixture supplementation increases the growth performance and foot-and mouth disease antibody titers in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20200930] Effect of brewer’s yeast (Saccharmyces cerevisiae) supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and fecal score of growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20200901] Effects of Different Energy Levels on Growth Performance and Nutrient Digestibility of Pigs Reared in Different Seasons in Korea
  • 일반논문[20200901] Can dried mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) larvae replace fish meal in weaning pigs?
  • 일반논문[20200901] Effects of dietary Bacillus subtilis RX7 and B2A strains supplementation on productive performance, egg quality, blood profiles and excreta Samonella counts in laying hens
  • 일반논문[20200901] Effects of dietary korean aged garlic extract by Leuconostoc mesenteroides KCCM35046 on growth performance, digestibility, blood profiles, gas emissions and microbiotain weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20200901] Effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus based probiotic product supplementation on the blood profile, fecal noxious gas emission, and fecal shedding of lactic acid bacteria and coliform bacteria in healthy adult Beagle dogs
  • 일반논문[20200901] Effects of dietary supplementation with graded levels of omega-3 fatty acids on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, blood profile, fecal microbial in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20200901] Effects of dietary supplementation of Quillaja saponin on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal gas emissions, and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20200901] Influences of dietary flavonoid (quercetin) supplementation on growth performance and immune response of growing pigs challenged with E. coli lipopolysaccharide
  • 일반논문[20200901] The Effect of Protease on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, and Expression of Growth-Related Genes and Amino Acid Transporters in Broilers
  • 일반논문[20200901] Inclusion of Dietary Palm Oil and Soy Oil on Growth Performance andNutrition Digestibility in Broiler Chickens
  • 일반논문[20200701] Coated sodium butyrate supplementation to a reduced nutrient diet enhanced the performance and positively impacted villus height and faecal and digesta bacterial composition in weaner pigs
  • 일반논문[20200701] Eckol Alleviates Intestinal Dysfunction during Suckling-to-Weaning Transition via Modulation of PDX1 and HBEGF
  • 일반논문[20200701] Significance of varying concentrations of T-2 toxin on growth performance, serum biochemical and hematological parameters in broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20200701] Influences of dietary inclusion of algae Chaetomorpha aerea enhanced growth performance, immunity, haematological response and disease resistance of Labeo rohita challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila
  • 일반논문[20200601] Effects of dietary n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio on growth performance, apparent digestibility, blood lipid profiles, fecal microbial and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20200601] Organic acids mixture as a dietary additive for pigs – a review
  • 일반논문[20200601] Effects of dietary Levan-type fructan on growth performance, blood profiles and fecal noxious gas emission, and litter performance in lactating sows
  • 일반논문[20200601] Effects of yeast culture (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), garlic (Allium sativum) products mixture on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microflora, fecal noxious gas emission and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20200501] Effect of dietary supplementation of protected calcium on production performance and egg quality of Hy-line brown laying hens
  • 일반논문[20200401] Changes in growth performance, nutrient digestibility, immune blood profiles, fecal microbial and fecal gas emission of growing pigs in response to zinc aspartic acid chelate
  • 일반논문[20200401] Effects of grape seed extract on performance, immunity, antioxidant capacity and meat quality in Pekin ducks
  • 일반논문[20200401] Evaluation of coated zinc oxide in young pigs challenged with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K88
  • 일반논문[20200301] Effect of dietary supplementation with brewer's yeast hydrolysate on growth performance, faecal microbial counts, diarrhoea score, blood profile, rectal temperature in weanling pigs challenged with lipopolysaccharide
  • 일반논문[20200301] Effects of different standardized ileal digestible lysine: net energy proportion in growing and finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20200301] Protected organic acids improved growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and decreased gas emission in broilers
  • 일반논문[20200301] Standardized plant extract alleviates the negative effects of FMD vaccination on animal performance
  • 일반논문[20200301] Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profiles, Excreta Microbial Counts, Meat Quality and Organ Weight on Broilers Fed with De-Oiled Lecithin Emulsifier
  • 일반논문[20200301] Effects of fermented soybean meal on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, blood profile and fecal microflora in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20200301] Effect of carbohydrases on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, and fecal microbiota in weanling pigs fed reduced energy diet
  • 일반논문[20200301] Effect of flavor supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, and carcass quality in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20200301] Effect of probiotic containing Lactobacillus plantarum on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and fecal microbiota in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20200201] Enterococcus faecium supplementation in sows during gestation and lactation improves the performance of sucking piglets
  • 일반논문[20200201] Influences of Enzyme Blend Supplementation on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Fecal Microbiota and Meat-Quality in Grower-Finisher Pigs
  • 일반논문[20200201] Glycine attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury by regulating NLRP3 inflammasome and NRF2 signaling
  • 일반논문[20200101] Effects of dietary lipid sources on growth performance and carcass traits in Pekin ducks
  • 일반논문[20200101] Effects of dietary electrolyte balance on reproductive performance and blood profiles in sows
  • 일반논문[20200101] Evaluation of Sodium Stearoyl-2-Lactylate and 1, 3-Diacylglycerol Blend Supplementation in Diets with Different Energy Content on the Growth Performance, Meat Quality, Apparent Total Tract Digestibility, and Blood Lipid Profiles of Broiler Chickens
  • 일반논문[20200101] Influence of exogenous acid protease in broiler chickens fed corn-soybean meal-based diets
  • 일반논문[20200101] Effects of YGF251 on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, meat quality, and fecal gas emission of finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20200101] Effects of dietary Achyranthes japonica extract supplementation on the growth performance, total tract digestibility, cecal microflora, excreta noxious gas emission, and meat quality of broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20200101] Evaluating impacts of different omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids ratio in corn soybean meal-based diet on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microflora, and gas emission in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20200101] Influence of Enterococcus faecium with and without xylanase to corn and soybean meal-based diet on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, and fecal microflora in growing pigs. . 1):-.
  • 일반논문[20200101] Egg production, egg quality, nutrient digestibility, and excreta microflora of laying hens fed with a diet containing brewer’s yeast hydrolysate
  • 일반논문[20191201] Effects of dietary dried mealworm (Ptecticus tenebrifer) larvae on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20191201] Effects of non-genetically modified organism wheat-based diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, and meat quality in grower-finisher pigs
  • 일반논문[20191201] Effects of nucleotide supplementation to corn-soybean meal-based diet on growth performance, fecal microflora, and blood profiles of sows and performance of suckling piglets
  • 일반논문[20191201] Influence of the efficacy of a probiotic complex containing Bacillus subtilis and Pichia farinosa on the growth performance and fecal microbiota of finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20191201] Dietary yeast extract complex supplementation increases growth performance and nutrient digestibility of weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20191201] Growth performance, nutrient digestibility, antioxidant enzyme activity, and fecal microbial flora in growing pigs fed diets containing Spirulina
  • 일반논문[20191201] Comparative effects of low zinc oxide dose with or without probiotics relative to high zinc oxide dose on the performance, nutrient digestibility, blood metabolites, and noxious gases emission in weaned piglets
  • 일반논문[20191201] The effects of betaine supplementation in diets containing different levels of crude protein and methionine on the growth performance, blood components, total tract nutrient digestibility, excreta noxious gas emission, and meat quality of the broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20191201] Non-GMO beet pulp and canola meal corn-soybean meal diet ingredient has comparable effects as that of GMO corn-soybean meal diet on the performance of sows and piglets
  • 일반논문[20191101] Effect of dietary supplemental medium chain fatty acids instead of antibiotics on the growth performance, digestibility and blood profiles in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20191101] Influence of Bacillus subtilis GCB-13-001 on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, faecal microbiota and faecal score in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20191101] Effect of protease derived from Pseudoalteromonas arctica supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, meat quality, noxious gas emission and blood profiles in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20191001] Efficacy of dietary Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis supplementation continuously in pullet and lay period on egg production, excreta microflora, and egg quality of Hyline-Brown birds
  • 일반논문[20191001] Effects of astaxanthin produced by Phaffia rhodozyma on growth performance, antioxidant activities, and meat quality in Pekin ducks
  • 일반논문[20191001] Effect of choline chloride with propylene glycol on growth performance and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20191001] Effects of multi-enzyme on production performance, egg quality, nutrient digestibility, and excreta noxious gas emission of early phase Hy-line brown hens
  • 일반논문[20191001] Impacts of dietary microalgae (Schizochytrium JB5) on growth performance, blood profiles, apparent total tract digestibility, and ileal nutrient digestibility in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20191001] Effect of supplementation with brewer's yeast hydrolysate on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, blood profiles and meat quality in growing to finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20191001] Multi-strain yeast fraction product supplementation can alleviate weaning stress and improve performance and health of piglets raised under low sanitary conditions
  • 일반논문[20191001] Effect of dietary fermented oats in different nutrient-density diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and ileal microorganisms of weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20190901] Effect of protected the blend of organic acids and medium chain fatty acids on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, meat quality, faecal microflora and faecal gas emission in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20190901] Evaluation of seasonal effects on production performance of lactation sows reared in two different environments in South Korea
  • 일반논문[20190901] Effects of dietary protected organic acids on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microflora, diarrhea score, and fecal gas emission in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20190901] Yeast extract complex as non-antibiotic functional product in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20190901] Effect of dietary supplementation of diacylglycerol on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and blood profiles in growing pigs fed corn-SBM-based diet
  • 일반논문[20190901] Effects of Partial and Total Substitution of Dietary Spray-Dried Porcine Plasma(SDPP) with Spray-Dried Krill Hydrolysate(SDKH) on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Noxious Gas Emission in Weaning Piglet
  • 일반논문[20190901] Effects of chitooligosaccharide supplementation on egg production, egg quality and blood profiles in laying hens
  • 일반논문[20190901] A Study on effectiveness of a cocktail of protected feed additives in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20190901] Effect of dietary inclusion of fermented sea mustard by-product on growth performance, blood profiles, and meat quality in broilers
  • 일반논문[20190901] Evaluation of an emulsifier blend on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood lipid profiles, and fecal microbial in growing pigs fed low energy density diet
  • 일반논문[20190901] Effects of γ-aminobutyric acid and hydrochloric acid on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and fecal score of growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20190901] Influence of dietary protease supplementation to corn-soybean meal-based high- and low-energy diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, and gas emission in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20190901] Effect of emulsifier supplementation on growth performance, apparent total tract digestibility of nutrients, and blood profile in weaning pigs fed corn-soybean meal based diets
  • 일반논문[20190801] A comparative evaluation of fermented and unfermented soybean and guar meal on growth performance, nutrient retention, caecal microflora, and excreta gas emission of broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20190801] Evaluation of Weissella Cibaria JW15 Probiotic Derived from Fermented Korean Vegetable Product Supplementation in Diet on Performance Characteristics in Adult Beagle Dog
  • 일반논문[20190801] Efficacy of Bacillus subtilis RX7 and Bacillus methylotrophicus C14 as probiotics on growth performance, digestibility, blood profile and fecal microbiota in weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20190701] Effect of dietary standardized ileal digestible lysine and copper density on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microbiota, backfat thickness and lean meat percentage in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20190701] Evaluation of supplementation of defatted black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae meal in beagle dogs
  • 일반논문[20190701] Anti-coccidial effect of essential oil blends and vitamin D on broiler chickens vaccinated with purified mixture of coccidian oocyst from Eimeria tenella and Eimeria maxima
  • 일반논문[20190604] Growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood lipid profile, and fecal microbiota of Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus on growing pigs fed with de-oiled lecithin emulsifier
  • 일반논문[20190601] Effect of dietary supplementation of fermented garlic by Leuconostoc mesenteroides KCCM35046, on growth performance, blood constituents, nutrient digestibility, fecal microflora, and fecal scores in sows and their piglets
  • 일반논문[20190601] Effects of changing omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratios in corn-soybean meal based diet on performance, serum lipid profile and colostrum and milk nutrient composition of sows and performance of piglets.
  • 일반논문[20190601] Effect of the Yea-Sacc yeast culture on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and fecal score in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20190601] Effects of Moringa Oleifera leaf supplementation in lactating sow diets with or without banana peel powder as a fiber source on reproductive performance, fecal moisture content, rectal temperature and hormone profiles
  • 일반논문[20190601] Effects of the nucleotides supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and immune blood profiles related to foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in vaccinated growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20190601] Effects of dietary supplementation with Bacillus licheniformis derived-protease on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and fecal microbial shedding in post-weaned growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20190601] Effect of anise flavor on the performance of sows and their litters with different weaning ages
  • 일반논문[20190601] Influence of β–glucanase supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood parameters, and meat quality in broilers fed wheat-barley-soybean diet
  • 일반논문[20190601] Effects of dietary L-arginine on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, gas emission, and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20190601] Growth Performance, Blood Lipid Profile, Relative Organ Weight and Meat Quality of Broilers Fed Corn-Soybean Meal Based Diets Containing Graded Levels of 1,3-Diacylglycerol
  • 일반논문[20190601] Effects of non-genetically and genetically modified organism (maize-soybean) diet on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, carcass weight, and meat quality of broiler chicken
  • 일반논문[20190501] Effects of inclusion of Bacillus subtilis (Gallipro) to energy- and protein-reduced diet on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and meat quality and gas emission in broilers
  • 일반논문[20190501] Emulsifier as a Feed Additive in Poultry and Pigs - A review
  • 일반논문[20190401] Dietary Supplementation of Mixed Yeast Culture Derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces maxianus: Effects on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Meat Quality, Blood Parameters, and Gut Health in Broilers
  • 일반논문[20190401] Effects of different levels of dietary protein with or without plant extract YGF251 on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microbial shedding, and fecal gas emission in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20190301] Effect of supplementation of sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate as fat emulsifier in low-density diet on growth performance, backfat thickness, lean muscle percentage, and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20190301] Effects of reducing dietary energy (tallow) in diets containing emulsifier blend on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and blood profile in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20190301] Effects of Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis complex on growth performance and faecal noxious gas emissions in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20190301] Effects of microencapsulated complex of organic acids and essential oils on growth performance, nutrient retention, blood profiles, fecal microflora, and lean meat percentage in weaning to finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20190301] Effects of multi-enzyme supplementation in a corn and soybean meal-based diet on growth performance, apparent digestibility, blood characteristics, fecal microbes and noxious gas emission in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20190301] Evaluation of effect of probiotics mixture supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, faecal bacterial enumeration, and noxious gas emission in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20190201] Do varied dietary omega-6 to omega-3 ratios affect the performance, nutrient digestibility, immune status and faecal microbiota of weaner pigs?
  • 일반논문[20190131] Effect of expanded diets on growth performance, meat quality and carcass characteristics in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20190101] Effects of dietary supplemental phytoncide instead of zinc oxide on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, and faecal microflora in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20190101] Effects of Salicornia herbacea on Growth Performance, Meat Quality, Excreta Microbial Populations, and Noxious Gas Emissions in Broiler Chicks
  • 일반논문[20190101] The effect of sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate (80%) and tween 20 (20%) supplementation in low-energy density diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, meat quality, relative organ weight, serum lipid profiles, and excreta microbiota in broilers
  • 일반논문[20190101] Effect of supplemented microencapsulated zinc oxide and organic acids and pure botanicals on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, feces microflora, and zinc level of feces in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20190101] Impacts of rapeseed meal, canola meal and their mixture substitute for soybean meal on performance of lactating sows and their offspring
  • 일반논문[20190101] Effect of betaine on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, blood cells, meat quality and organ weights in broiler chicks
  • 일반논문[20181201] Effects of a blend of organic acids and medium-chain fatty acids with and without Enterococcus faecium on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood parameters, and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20181201] Effects of dried citrus pulp and fermented medicinal plants on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, and meat quality in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20181201] Effects of organic acid and medium chain fatty acid blends on the performance of sows and their piglets
  • 일반논문[20181201] Impacts of dietary beta-glucan (Morus Alba and Curcuma Longa) supplementation on growth performance, apparent total tract digestibility, fecal microbial, fecal characteristics, and blood profiles in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20181201] Effects of dietary supplementation of natural and fermented herbs on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood parameters, meat quality and fatty acid composition in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20181201] Effects of dietary energy levels on growth performance in lactating sows and piglets
  • 일반논문[20181201] Effects of yeast culture (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) supplementation on growth performance, fecal score, and nutrient digestibility of weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20181201] Evaluation of the blend of organic acids and medium-chain fatty acids in matrix coating as antibiotic growth promoter alternative on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, excreta microflora, and carcass quality in broilers
  • 일반논문[20181201] Effects of supplementing varying levels of 1,3-diacylglycerol (DAG) on growth performance, apparent nutrient digestibility and selected fecal microbial populations in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20181101] Low dose of coated zinc oxide is as effective as pharmacological zinc oxide in promoting growth performance, reducing fecal scores, and improving nutrient digestibility and intestinal morphology in weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20181101] Evaluating the influence of dietary phytogenic blends on gestating and lactating sows and suckling piglets
  • 일반논문[20181101] Creep feeding improves growth performance of suckling piglets
  • 일반논문[20181001] Effects of feeding diets containing essential oils and betaine to heat-stressed growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20180901] Effects of a matrix-coated organic acids and medium-chain fatty acids blend on performance, and in vitro fecal noxious gas emissions in growing pigs fed in-feed antibiotic-free diets
  • 일반논문[20180901] Effect of inclusion of lysolecithin or multi-enzyme in low energy diet of broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20180901] Effect of phytase supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and meat quality in broilers
  • 일반논문[20180901] Dietary Lactobacillus plantarum GB805 supplementation improves growth performance and nutrient digestibility in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20180901] Influence of low-protein diets and protease and bromelain supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood urine nitrogen, creatinine, and faecal noxious gas in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20180901] Inclusion of dietary β-mannanase improves performance and ileal digestibility and reduces ileal digesta viscosity of broilers fed corn-soybean meal based diet
  • 일반논문[20180901] Effect of non-dairy creamer (NDC) supplementation in a corn-soybean meal based diet on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and meat quality in broilers
  • 일반논문[20180801] Evaluation of three different patterns of feed intake during early lactation in lactating sows
  • 일반논문[20180801] Effects of a protease and essential oils on growth performance, blood cell profiles, nutrient retention, ileal microbiota, excreta gas emission, and breast meat quality in broiler chicks
  • 일반논문[20180801] Addition of a protease to low crude protein density diets of broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20180801] Bacillus subtilis, essential oil, chromium and glucose as sow pack alters the performance, immune and stress on pregnant sows and piglets
  • 일반논문[20180701] Effect of dietary Spirulina (Arthrospira) platensis on the growth performance, antioxidant enzyme activity, nutrient digestibility, cecal microflora, excreta noxious gas emission, and breast meat quality of broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20180601] Use of protected zinc oxide in lower doses in weaned pigs in substitution for the conventional high dose zinc oxide
  • 일반논문[20180601] Influence of a cocktail of protease and xylanase in different energy densities of corn- and soybean-meal-based diet on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, carcass quality, and gas emission in broilers
  • 일반논문[20180601] Effects of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) seed extract supplementation in different energy density diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, fecal microbiota, and fecal gas emission in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20180601] Impact of rare earth element-enriched yeast on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, and fecal microflora in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20180601] Performance, egg quality, nutrient digestibility, and excreta microbiota shedding in laying hens fed corn-soybean-meal-wheat-based diets supplemented with xylanase
  • 일반논문[20180601] Effect of antibiotics and synbiotic on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and faecal microbial shedding in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20180601] Effects of dietary fermented red ginseng marc and red ginseng extract on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, fecal microbial, and noxious gas emission in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20180601] Effect of dietary fermented corn in different nutrient density diets on growth
  • 일반논문[20180601] Effects of supplemental glycerol polyethylene glycol ricinoleate in different energy density diets on the growth performance, blood profiles, nutrient utilization, and excreta gas emission of broilers: focus on dietary glycerol polyethylene glycol ricinoleate in broilers
  • 일반논문[20180601] Effect of different phase levels of medium chain triglycerides on the growth performance, excreta microflora and blood profiles of broilers
  • 일반논문[20180501] Growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbiota and fecal noxious gas emission in weaning pigs fed high and low density diet with and without protected organic acid blends
  • 일반논문[20180501] Difructose dianhydride improves intestinal calcium absorption, wound healing, and barrier function
  • 일반논문[20180501] Effects of expanded diets and phase feeding programme on growth performance, carcass traits and meat quality in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20180501] Effects of extrusion and microbial phytase on the apparent and standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in hemp hulls fed to growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20180501] Effect of dietary beta-glucan supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and characteristics of feces in weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20180501] Effects of Multi-strain Probiotics with Variable Energy Density Diets on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Characteristics, Faecal Microflora, and Noxious Gas Emission in Finishing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20180401] Effects of exogenous lysolecithin emulsifier supplementation on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and blood lipid profiles in broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20180301] Effects of levan-type fructan on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, diarrhoea scores, faecal shedding of total lactic acid bacteria and coliform bacteria, and faecal gas emission in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20180301] Effects of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, meat quality, and backfat in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20180301] Influence of Enterococcus faecium and endo-1,4-beta-xylanase supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microflora, fecal gas emission, and meat quality in finishing pigs fed with diets based on corn-soybean meal
  • 일반논문[20180301] Phytobiotics in poultry and swine nutrition - a review
  • 일반논문[20180301] Inclusion of dietary multi-species probiotic on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, meat quality traits, faecal microbiota and diarrhoea score in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20180301] Effects of complex probiotic supplementation in growing pig diets with and without palm kernel expellers on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood parameters, fecal microbial shedding and noxious gas emission
  • 일반논문[20180301] Nucleotide-mediated SPDEF modulates TFF3-mediated wound healing and intestinal barrier function during the weaning process
  • 일반논문[20180201] Effects of space allocations and energy levels on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in growing and finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20180101] Dietary inclusion of xylanase improves growth performance, apparent total tract nutrient digestibility, apparent ileal digestibility of nutrients and amino acids and alters gut microbiota in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20180101] Addition of phytogenic blend in different nutrient density diets of meat-type ducks
  • 일반논문[20180101] Comparison of apparent total tract and ileal digestibility in growing and finishing pigs fed soybean meal, rapeseed meal, and canola meal
  • 일반논문[20180101] Dietary Bacillus subtilis B2A strain in laying hens challenged with Salmonella gallinarum: effects on egg production, egg quality, blood haptoglobin and targeted intestinal Salmonella shedding
  • 일반논문[20180101] Effects of Herbiotic FS supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, and faecal scores in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20180101] Influence of emulsifier blends having different hydrophilic-lipophilic balance value on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, serum lipid profiles, and meat quality of broilers
  • 일반논문[20180101] Effects of Dietary β-mannanase Supplementation of Soybean Meal on the Performance of Weanling Pigs
  • 일반논문[20180101] Effects of Lactulose Supplementation on Production Performance of Sows and their Offspring
  • 일반논문[20180101] Egg Production, Egg Quality, Blood Profiles, Cecal Microflora, and Excreta Noxious Gas Emission in Laying Hens Fed with Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) Seed Extract
  • 일반논문[20180101] Comparison of efficacy of lactic acid bacteria complex and Enterococcus faecium DSM 7134 in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20180101] The effect of dietary Bacillus subtilis supplementation on the growth performance, blood profile, nutrient retention, and caecal microflora in broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20180101] Influence of different phase feeding programs in piglets with different weaning weights
  • 일반논문[20171201] The effect of single-gender and mixed rearing on growth performance, backfat thickness and meat quality in crossbred growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20171201] Effects of Astragalus membranaceus, Codonopsis pilosula and allicin mixture on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, faecal microbial shedding, immune response and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20171201] Supplementation of protease, alone and in combination with fructooligosaccharide to low protein diet for finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20171201] Influence of exogenous multi-enzymes in broiler chickens fed on maize-wheat-soybean meal-based diets
  • 일반논문[20171101] Effects of different n-6 to n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio on reproductive performance, fecal microbiota and nutrient digestibility of gestation-lactating sows and suckling piglets
  • 일반논문[20171001] Interactive effects of weaning age and creep feed on the performance of sows and their piglets
  • 일반논문[20171001] Evaluation of essential oil or/and emulsifier in low energy density diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood cholesterol and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20171001] Ileal and total tract apparent crude protein, dry matter, gross energy and amino acids digestibility of soybean meal. solvent-extracted canolar meal, and corn distillers dried grain with solubles for growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20170901] Effects of xylanase supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood parameters, fecal microbiota, fecal score and fecal noxious gas emission of weaning pigs fed corn-soybean meal-based diet
  • 일반논문[20170901] Effect of Dietary Bacillus Subtilis C14 and RX7 Strains on Growth Performance, Blood Parameter, and Intestinal Microbiota in Broiler Chickens Challenged with Salmonella Gallinarum
  • 일반논문[20170901] Effect of dietary extracted rice bran supplementation on production performance and excreta microflora in laying hens
  • 일반논문[20170901] Effect of different levels of fiber and protein on growth performance and fecal characteristics in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20170901] Protective effects of Bacillus subtilis against Salmonella infection in the microbiome of Hy-Line Brown layers
  • 일반논문[20170901] Effects of a multi-strain Bacillus spp. direct-fed microbial and a protease enzyme on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, fecal microbiota, and noxious gas emissions of grower pigs fed corn-soybean-meal-based diets-A meta-analysis
  • 일반논문[20170901] Effects of Enterococcus faecium SLB 120 on growth performance, blood parameters, relative organ weight, breast muscle meat quality, excreta microbiota shedding, and noxious gas emission in broilers
  • 일반논문[20170901] A Mixture of Thyme, Quillaja, and Anise at Different Nutrient Density on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Meat Quality, Organ Weight, Cecal Bacteria, Excreta Moisture, and Bone Contents in Broiler Chicks
  • 일반논문[20170801] Evaluation of various sulphur amino acid to lysine ratio for growing-finishing pigs fed antibiotic-free diets
  • 일반논문[20170801] Efficacy of dietary supplementation of fatty acid compound on performance and production in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20170701] Effects of saccharin (sweetener) supplementation on growth performance, fecal moisture and litter performance of lactating sows
  • 일반논문[20170701] Evaluation of rapeseed meal as a protein source to replace soybean meal in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20170701] Effects of dietary methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM) supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, meat quality, excreta microbiota, excreta gas emission, and blood profiles in broilers
  • 일반논문[20170701] Impact of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 on productive performance of gestating sows
  • 일반논문[20170601] Effect of lysophospholipids in diets differing in fat contents on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, milk composition and litter performance of lactating sows
  • 일반논문[20170601] Preliminary assessment on potentials of probiotic B-subtilis RX7 and B-methylotrophicus C14 strains as an immune modulator in Salmonella-challenged weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20170601] Efficacy of 1,3-diacylglycerol as a fat emulsifier in low-density diet for broilers
  • 일반논문[20170601] Effects of Lowering the Dietary Levels of Energy, Protein and Amino Acid (Methionine and Cysteine) on the Performance of Laying Hens
  • 일반논문[20170601] Effects of Cassava (Manihot esculenta crantz) Root Meal in Diets Containing Corn Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles on Production Performance, Egg Quality, and Excreta Noxious Gas Emission in Laying Hens
  • 일반논문[20170501] Effect of diets with different energy and lysophospholipids levels on performance, nutrient metabolism, and body composition in broilers
  • 일반논문[20170401] Evaluation of different dietary electrolyte balance in weanling pigs diets
  • 일반논문[20170401] Effects of protected omega-3 fatty acid derived from linseed oil and vitamin E on growth performance, apparent digestibility, blood characteristics and meat quality of finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20170401] Dietary kapok send meal supplementation improved meat quality without adverse effect on growth performance in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20170301] Effects of xylanase supplementation on growth performance, digestibility, fecal gas emission, and meat quality in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20170301] Effects of probiotics supplementation in different nutrient density diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microflora and noxious gas emission in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20170301] Effects of Lactobacilus acidophilus supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbial and noxious gas emission in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20170301] Effects of dietary xylanase supplementation on performance and functional digestive parameters in broilers fed wheat-based diets
  • 일반논문[20170301] Effect of dietary supplementation of fermented Rhus verniciflua on growth performance, apparent total tract digestibility, blood profile, and fecal microflora in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20170301] Effect of feed flavor and sweetener on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, and diarrhea score in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20170301] Performance and phosphorus utilization of broiler chickens fed low phytate barley and pea based diets with graded levels of inorganic phosphorus
  • 일반논문[20170201] Dietary inclusion of different multi-strain complex probiotics on performance in broilers
  • 일반논문[20170201] Novel recombinant ferritin from Perinereis sp. alters iron profiles and improves the performance of weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20170201] Feeding the blend of organic acids and medium chain fatty acids reduces the diarrhea in piglets orally challenged with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K88
  • 일반논문[20170201] Rapeseed meal and canola meal can partially replace soybean meal as a protein source in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20170101] Effects of Bacillus subtilis CSL2 on the composition and functional diversity of the faecal microbiota of broiler chickens challenged with Salmonella Gallinarum
  • 일반논문[20170101] Effects of dietary supplementation of chelated water-soluble mineral mixture on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles and faecal micro flora in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20170101] Effect of replacement of de-hulled barley with water-soaked barley in corn-soybean meal-based diet on growth performance, blood characteristics, and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20170101] beta-glucan from mulberry leaves and curcuma can improve growth performance and nutrient digestibility in early weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20170101] Effect of crumbled diet on growth performance, market day age and meat quality of growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20170101] Influence of dietary particle size and sources of calcium and vitamin D3 on production performance, egg quality, and blood calcium concentration of ISA brown laying hens
  • 일반논문[20170101] Effects of lysophospholipids emulsifier supplements in the diet of sows
  • 일반논문[20170101] Influence of Extract Mixture from Scutellaria baicalensis and Lonicera japonica on Egg Production, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profiles and Egg Quality in Laying Hens Reared in Hot Humid Season
  • 일반논문[20161201] Effect of supplementation oreganum aetheroleum essential oil on growth performance in sows and growth performance, fecal score in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20161201] Effect of dietary supplementation with a probiotic (Enterococcus faecium) on production performance, excreta microflora, ammonia emission, and nutrient utilization in ISA brown laying hens
  • 일반논문[20161201] Effects of fenugreek seed extract supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, diarrhoea scores, blood profiles, faecal microflora and faecal noxious gas emission in weanling piglets
  • 일반논문[20161201] Effects of multistrain probiotics on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, faecal microbial shedding, faecal score and noxious gas emission in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20161201] Evaluation of the effectiveness of supplementing micro-encapsulated organic acids and essential oils in diets for sows and suckling piglets
  • 일반논문[20161201] The effect of feeding Rhizopus oligosporus on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microbiota, and fecal score in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20161201] Apparent total tract digestibility and ileal digestibility of dry matter, nitrogen, energy and amino acids in conventional, Bacillus subtilis-fermented and enzyme-treated soybean meal fed to weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20161201] Effects of lupin seed supplementation on egg production performance, and qualitative egg traits in laying hens
  • 일반논문[20161201] Effects of extracted rice bran supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, diarrhea score, blood profiles, and fecal microbial shedding in comparison with apramycin (antibiotic growth promoter) in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20161101] Egg production, egg quality, and cecal microbial populations of layers fed diets supplemented with fermented phytogenic feed additive
  • 일반논문[20161001] Effects of Bacillus subtilis, Kefir and β-Glucan Supplementation on Growth Performance, Blood Characteristics, Meat Quality and Intestine Microbiota in Broilers
  • 일반논문[20161001] Effects of Scutellaria baicalensis and Lonicera japonica extract mixture supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20161001] Growth performance, blood profile, nutrient digestibility and meat quality of broilers fed on diets supplemented with Scutellaria baicalensis extract
  • 일반논문[20161001] Interactive effects of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) seed extract supplementation and dietary metabolisable energy levels on the growth performance, total tract digestibility, blood profiles, and excreta gas emission in broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20160901] Effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus supplementation in different energy and nutrient density diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, fecal microbiota shedding, and fecal noxious gas emission in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20160901] Dietary phytoncide supplementation improved growth performance and meat quality of finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20160901] Effect of Plant Extract YGF251 on Growth Performance, Reproductive Performance and Insulin Like Growth Factor Secretion in Primiparous and Multiparous Sows
  • 일반논문[20160901] Impact of dietary enzyme complex on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and fecal noxious gas emissions in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20160801] Probiotics in Salmonella challenged Hy-Line Brown layers
  • 일반논문[20160701] Effects of cellulase supplementation to corn soybean meal-based diet on the performance of sows and their piglets
  • 일반논문[20160701] Ileal digestibility of nutrients and amino acids in low quality soybean meal sources treated with β -mannanase for growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20160701] Dietary supplementation of delta-aminolevulinic acid to lactating sows improves growth performance and concentration of iron and hemoglobin of suckling piglets
  • 일반논문[20160701] Gut Health of Pigs: Challenge Models and Response Criteria with a Critical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Selected Feed Additives - A Review
  • 일반논문[20160701] Performance responses, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, and measures of gastrointestinal health in weanling pigs fed protease enzyme
  • 일반논문[20160601] Influence of low or high density corn and soybean meal- based diets and protease supplementation on growth performance, apparent digestibility, blood characteristics and noxious gas emission of finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20160601] Rare earth elements-enriched yeast improved egg production and egg quality in laying hens in the late period of peak egg production
  • 일반논문[20160601] Effects of thermo-resistant non-starch polysaccharide degrading multi-enzyme on growth performance, meat quality, relative weights of body organs, and blood profile in broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20160601] Effects of Supplementation of Ionized or Chelated Water-Soluble Mineral Mixture on the Live Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profile, Egg Quality, and Excreta Microbiota of Laying Hens
  • 일반논문[20160501] Apparent ileal digestibility of nutrients and amino acids in soybean meal, fish meal, spray dried plasma protein, and fermented soybean meal to weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20160401] Evaluation of partial wheat grain replacement with fermented wheat on growth performance, blood characteristics and fecal noxious gas emission in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20160401] Effects of ionised or chelated water-soluble mineral mixture supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, meat quality and intestinal microbiota in broilers
  • 일반논문[20160401] Effects of essential oils supplementation in different nutrient densities on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and fecal microbial shedding in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20160301] Effect of fermented medicinal plants on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal noxious gas emissions, and diarrhea score in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20160301] Bioavailability of phosphorus in two cultivars of pea for broiler chicks
  • 일반논문[20160301] Effects of supplementing growing-finishing pig diets with Bacillus spp. probiotic on growth performance and meat-carcass grade quality traits
  • 일반논문[20160301] Effect of substitution of corn for molasses in diet on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, fecal noxious gas emission, and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20160201] Recent advances in canola meal utilization in swine nutrition
  • 일반논문[20160201] Effects of dietary supplementation of emulsifier and carbohydrase on the growth performance, serum cholesterol, and breast meat fatty acids profile of broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20160201] Lactobacillus acidophilus modulates inflammatory activity by regulating the TLR4 and NF-B expression in porcine peripheral blood mononuclear cells after lipopolysaccharide challenge
  • 일반논문[20160201] Analysis of the effect of dietary protected organic acid blend on lactating sows and their piglets
  • 일반논문[20160201] Effects of lactulose on growth, carcass characteristics, faecal microbiota, and blood constituents in broilers
  • 일반논문[20160101] Effects of benzoic acid, essential oils and Enterococcus faecium SF68 on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, faecal microbiota and faecal noxious gas emission in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20160101] Delta-aminolevulinic acid, and lactulose supplements in weaned piglets diet: Effects on performance, fecal microbiota, and in-vitro noxious gas emissions
  • 일반논문[20160101] Effect of protected organic acid blends on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and faecal micro flora in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20160101] Effects of gel-based phytogenic feed supplement on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and intestinal morphology in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20160101] Effect of Leuconostoc mesenteroides KCCM35046 fermented aged garlic extract on egg production, egg quality, odour gas emissions, targeted E. coli colony, haematological characteristics and fatty acids composition of egg yolk in laying hens
  • 일반논문[20160101] Efficacy of beta-mannanase supplementation to corn-soya bean meal-based diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood urea nitrogen, faecal coliform and lactic acid bacteria and faecal noxious gas emission in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20160101] Effect of dietary lactulose supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, meat quality, relative organ weight, and excreta microflora in broilers
  • 일반논문[20160101] Effects of dietary Enterococcus faecium on growth performance, carcass characteristics, faecal microbiota, and blood profile in broilers
  • 일반논문[20151201] Evaluation of effect of supplementation of extruded rice as a substitute for dried whey in the diet of weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20151201] Crumbled or mashed feed had no significant effect on the performance of lactating sows or their offspring
  • 일반논문[20151201] Inclusion of phytogenic blends in different nutrient density diets of meat-type ducks
  • 일반논문[20151201] Dietary fenugreek seed extract improves performance, and reduces fecal E. coli counts, and fecal gas emission in lactating sows, and suckling piglets
  • 일반논문[20151201] Evaluating the effect of microencapsulated organic acids and essential oils blends in broiler chickens diet
  • 일반논문[20151201] Response to an Escherichia coli K88 oral challenge and productivity of weanling pigs receiving a dietary nucleotides supplement
  • 일반논문[20151201] Effects of Dietary Valine:Lysine Ratios on Lactation Performance of Primiparous Sows Nursing Large Litters
  • 일반논문[20151201] Effect of dietary supplementation of tapioca on growth performance and meat quality in pigs
  • 일반논문[20151201] 포유자돈에 있어서 포유자돈용 발효유의 급여가 생산성, 혈액특성, 및 설사지수에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20151130] Effects of caprylic acid and Yucca schidigera extract on growth performance, relative organ weight, breast meat quality, haematological characteristics and caecal microbial shedding in mixed sex Ross 308 broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20151101] Effect of phytogenics on growth performance, fecal score, blood profiles, fecal noxious gas emission, digestibility, and intestinal morphology of weanling pigs challenged with Escherichia coli K88
  • 일반논문[20151101] Effects of dietary gamma-aminobutyric acid on egg production, egg quality, and blood profiles in layer hens
  • 일반논문[20151101] Phytoncide, phytogenic feed additive as an alternative to conventional antibiotics, improved growth performance and decreased excreta gas emission without adverse effect on meat quality in broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20151101] Comparison effects of dietary iron dextran and bacterial-iron supplementation on growth performance, fecal microbial flora, and blood profiles in sows and their litters
  • 일반논문[20151101] Attenuation of the adverse effects caused by the foot-and-mouth disease vaccination in pigs
  • 일반논문[20151001] Effects of bromelain supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microbial shedding, fecal score and fecal noxious gas emission in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20151001] Evaluating the Effects of Salicornia Extract on Performance, Egg Qualityand Blood Profile of Laying Hens
  • 일반논문[20151001] Dietary bromelain-C. supplementation improves performance and gut health in sows and piglets
  • 일반논문[20151001] Microencapsulated organic acids blend with MCFAs can be used as an alternative to antibiotics for laying hens
  • 일반논문[20151001] 돼지의 사육단계별 폐사율에 영향을 미치는환경요인에 대한 연구
  • 일반논문[20151001] Effect of plant extracts on growth performance and the insulin-like growth factor 1 secretion in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20150901] Effects of multi-strain Bacillus spp. based direct-fed microbial in nursery pigs fed corn-soybean meal based diets
  • 일반논문[20150901] Effects of essential oil and yeast culture supplements on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and blood characteristics in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20150901] Effect of emulsifier (lysophospholipids) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and blood profile in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20150901] Effect of genotype on heat production and net energy value of a corn-soybean meal-based diet fed to growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20150801] Effects of palm kernel expellers on productive performance, nutrient digestibility, and white blood cells of lactating sows
  • 일반논문[20150801] Clays as dietary supplements for swine: A review
  • 일반논문[20150701] Barcoded pyrosequencing-based metagenomic analysis of the faecal microbiome of three purebred pig lines after cohabitation
  • 일반논문[20150701] The effect of Bacillus-based feed additive on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal gas emission and pen clean-up characteristics of growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20150701] Effects of lactulose supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, faecal microbial shedding, faecal score and faecal noxious gas emission in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20150701] Effects of different levels of fibre and benzoic acid on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, reduction of noxious gases, serum metabolites and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20150701] Effect of microencapsulated organic acids and essential oils on growth performance and intestinal metabolism in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20150701] Effects of palm kernel expellers on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and blood profiles of weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20150601] Effects of Lysolecithin and Sodium Stearoyl-2-lactylate on Growth Performance andNutrient Digestibility in Broilers
  • 일반논문[20150601] Vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids independently attenuate plasma concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines and prostaglandin E 2 in Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide-challenged growing–finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20150601] Effect of probiotic bacteria fermented medicinal plants (Gynura procumbens, Rehmannia glutinosa, Scutellaria baicalensis) as performance enhancers in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20150601] Effects of beet pulp supplementation on growth performance, fecal moisture, serum hormones and litter performance in lactating sows
  • 일반논문[20150601] Effects of dietary supplementation of modified zinc oxide on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microbial shedding, and fecal score in weanling pigs.
  • 일반논문[20150601] Comparative efficacy of up to 50% partial fish meal replacement with fermented soybean meal or enzymatically prepared soybean meal on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and fecal microflora in weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20150401] The effects of the supplementation of Bacillus subtilis RX7 and B2A probiotics on the performance, blood profiles, intestinal Salmonella microflora, noxious gas emission, organ weight, and breast meat quality of broiler challenged with Salmonella typhimurium
  • 일반논문[20150401] Ileal digestibility of nutrients and amino acids in unfermented, fermented soybean meal and canola meal for weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20150401] Effect of fermented medicinal plants (Gynura procumbens, Rehmannia glutinosa, scutellaria baicalensis) as alternative performance enhancers in broilers
  • 일반논문[20150401] Effects of dietary fiber and benzoic acid on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, reduction of harmful gases, and lipid profiles in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20150301] Effects of dietary marine microalgae(Schizochytrium) powder on egg production, blood lipid profiles, egg quality, and fatty acid composition of egg yolk in layers
  • 일반논문[20150301] Effects of Enterococcus faecium DSM 7134 supplementation in different energy and nutrient density diets on ileal amino acid digestibility and intestinal microbiota in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20150201] Effect of Bacillus subtilis, Clostridium butyricum and lactobacillus acidophilus endospores on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, meat quality, relative organ weight, microbial shedding and excreta noxious gas emission in broilers
  • 일반논문[20150201] Evaluation of lactulose on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, fecal microbial shedding and fecal noxious gas emission in the growing- finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20150201] Effect of direct-fed microbial on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal noxious gas emission, fecal microbial flora and diarrhea score in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20150201] Effects of rare earth elements-enriched yeast on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, meat quality, relative organ weight, and excreta microflora in broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20150201] Identification and determination of phenolic compounds in rapeseed meals (Brassica napus L.)
  • 일반논문[20150101] Characterization of Dietary Energy in Swine Feed and Feed Ingredients. A Review of Recent Research Results
  • 일반논문[20141201] 임신돈의 사육시설이 분만모돈의 분만성적에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20141201] Effect of dietary Korean aged garlic extract by Leukonostoc citreum SK2556 on production, hematological status, meat quality, relative organ weight, targeted Escherichia coli colony and excreta gas emission in broilers
  • 일반논문[20141201] Effect of astaxanthin produced by Phaffia rhodozyma on growth performance, meat quality, and fecal noxious gas emission in broilers
  • 일반논문[20141201] Effect of Bacillus subtilis C-3102 spores as a probiotic feed supplement on growth performance, noxious gas emission, and intestinal microflora in broilers
  • 일반논문[20141101] Effects of dietary water soaked barley on amino acid digestibility, growth performance, pork quality, and longissimus dorsi muscle fatty acids profiles in pigs
  • 일반논문[20141101] Effects of Enterococcus faecium DSM 7134 on weanling pigs were influenced by dietary energy and crude protein density
  • 일반논문[20141101] Effect of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) and probiotic (Enterococcus faecium) supplementation on the growth performance, digestibility and blood profiles in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20141101] Protected organic acid blends as an alternative to antibiotics in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20141031] 한국형 이유자돈사 모델에 관한 연구
  • 일반논문[20141001] Influence of protected organic acid blends and diets with different nutrient densities on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and faecal noxious gas emission in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20141001] Effect of microencapsulated blends of organic acids and essential oils supplementation on growth performance and nutrient digestibility finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20141001] Effects of dietary threonine:lysine ratios on growth performance, blood urea nitrogen and nitrogen balance in weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20140901] Effects of the plant extract YGF251 on growth performance, meat quality, relative organ weight, nutrient digestibility and blood profiles in broiler
  • 일반논문[20140801] An Outline of Meat Consumption in the Indian Population - A Pilot Review.
  • 일반논문[20140801] Supplemental effect of probiotic Bacillus subtilis B2A on productivity, organ weight, intestinal Salmonella microflora, and breast meat quality of growing broiler chicks
  • 일반논문[20140701] The Effect of Hydrolyzed Render Meal, Enzyme Treated Swine Skin Meal, and Cattle Skin Meal on Egg Production Performance, Eggshell Quality, Egg Quality, and Blood Characteristics in Laying Hens
  • 일반논문[20140701] The effect of supplementation of evening primrose extract on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, fecal microbial and fecal score in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20140601] Effects of lactulose supplementation on performance, blood profiles, excreta microbial shedding of Lactobacillus and Escherichia coli, relative organ weight, and excreta noxious gas contents in broilers
  • 일반논문[20140601] Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall extract and poplar propolis ethanol extract supplementation on growth performance, digestibility, blood profile, fecal microbiota and fecal noxious gas emissions in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20140601] The response in growth performance, relative organ weight, blood profiles, and meat quality to dietary threonine:lysine ratio in broilers
  • 일반논문[20140501] Effects of Cr-methionine supplementation on growth performance, relative organ weight, immune hormones, and meat quality of broiler chicks under heat stress
  • 일반논문[20140501] Evaluation of dietary sources of protein on growth performance in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20140501] Effect of Dietary Stevia on Immune Response of Growing Pigs Challenged with Escherichia coli Lipopolysaccharide
  • 일반논문[20140419] Effects of naturally produced dietary Fusarium mycotoxins on weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20140401] Effects of olive oil supplementation on egg quality, serum cholesterol characteristics, and yolk fatty acid concentrations in laying hens
  • 일반논문[20140201] Effects of phytogenic feed additive on growth performance, digestibility, blood metabolites, intestinal microbiota, meat color and relative organ weight after oral challenge with Clostridium perfringens in broilers
  • 일반논문[20140201] Effects of multistrain probiotics on growth performance, apparent ileal nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, cecal microbial shedding, and excreta odor contents in broilers
  • 일반논문[20140101] Effects of levan supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and dry matter content of faeces in comparison to apramycin (antibacterial growth promoter) in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20140101] Effect of phaffiarhodozyma on performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20140101] Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Procyanidin on Growth Performance and Immune Response in Pigs
  • 일반논문[20131230] 육계 사료 내 박테리오파지 CP의 첨가가 생산성, 영양소 소화율, 혈액특성,도체특성 및 분내 미생물 조성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20131230] Identification and Quantification of Glucosinolates in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Sprouts Cultivated under Dark and Light Conditions
  • 일반논문[20131201] Effect of whole egg powder on growth performance, blood cell counts, nutrient digestibility, relative organ weights, and meat quality in broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20131201] Effect of dietary n-3 fatty acid enriched microalgae supplementation on growth performance, blood profiles, meat quality and fatty acid composition of meat in broilers
  • 일반논문[20131101] Evaluation of dietary fructan supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, meat quality, fecal microbial flora, and fecal noxious gas emission in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20131101] Effect of dietary levan fructan supplementation on growth performance, meat quality, relative organ weight, cecal microflora, and excreta noxious gas emission in broilers
  • 일반논문[20131101] Effects of levan-type fructans supplementation on performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, fecal microbiota and immune responses after lipopolysaccharide challenge in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20131001] Effects of probiotic supplementation in different energy and nutrient density diets on performance, egg quality, excreta microflora, excreta noxious gas emission, and serum cholesterol levels in laying hens
  • 일반논문[20130830] Effects of Dietary Carbohydrases on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Blood Characteristics in Finishing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20130830] Effects of Fruit By-product Extracts Supplementation on Growth Performance and Nutrient Digestibility in Growing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20130830] Effects of Chelated Copper and Zinc Supplementation on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profiles, and Fecal Noxious Gas Emission in Weanling Pigs
  • 일반논문[20130830] Effects of Fruit By-product Extracts on Blood Characteristics, Antioxidant Activity, and Immune Response in Pigs
  • 일반논문[20130809] Effects of dietary supplementation of sericite on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles and fecal microflora shedding in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20130801] Effects of Bacillus subtilis UBT-MO2 on growth performance, immune organ relative weight, fecal gas concentration and intestinal microbial shedding in broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20130601] Effects of beta-mannanase supplementation in combination with low and high energy dense diets for growing and finishing broilers
  • 일반논문[20130601] Effects of dietary supplementation of fermented garlic powder on growth performance, apparent total tract digestibility, blood characteristics and faecal microbial concentration in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20130601] Effects of fermented grains as raw cereal substitutes on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, and fecal noxious gas emission in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20130507] Effects of single or combined dietary supplementation of beta-glucan and kefir on growth performance, blood characteristics and meat quality in broilers
  • 일반논문[20130501] Effects of dietary microencapsulated n-3 fatty acids supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, carcass characteristics, and fatty acids compositions in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20130401] Evaluation of bacteriophage supplementation on growth performance, blood characteristics, relative organ weight, breast muscle characteristics and excreta microbial shedding in broilers
  • 일반논문[20130401] Effects of beta mannanase xylanase supplementation in low energy density diets on performances, nutrients digestibility, blood profiles and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20130330] In vitro 발효에서 Prebiotics와 Probiotics가 돼지 장내미생물과 발효산물에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20130330] 육계 사료 내 Bacteriophage의 첨가가 생산성, 영양소 소화율, 혈액 특성, 도체 특성 및 분내 미생물 조성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20130315] Amino acid digestibility of single cell protein from Corynebacterium ammoniagenes in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20130301] Effect of probiotics supplementation in diets with different nutrient densities on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, fecal Microbial population and fecal noxious gas content in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20130301] Determining of the effect of lysine:calorie ratio on growth performance and blood urea nitrogen of growing barrows and gilts in hot season and cool season in a commercial environment
  • 일반논문[20130301] Effects of dietary olive oil on growth performance, carcass parameters, serum characteristics, and fatty acid composition of breast and drumstick meat in broilers
  • 일반논문[20130201] Effects of dietary beta-glucan on growth performance, fecal microbial shedding and immunological responses after lipopolysaccharide challenge in weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20130201] Effect of Vitamin Levels and Different Stocking Densities on Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, and Blood Characteristics of Growing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20130101] Effects of canthaxanthin on egg production, egg quality, and egg yolk color in laying hens
  • 일반논문[20130101] Effects of Dietary Coptis Chinensis Herb Extract on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Characteristics and Meat Quality in Growing-finishing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20121201] Effects of montmorillonite clay on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, vulva size, faecal microflora, and oxidative stress in weaning gilts challenged with zearalenone
  • 일반논문[20121201] Evaluation of Dietary Hydrolyzed Barley on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Characteristic, and Meat Quality in Finishing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20121201] Effect of Fermented Chlorella Supplementation on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Characteristics, Fecal Microbial and Fecal Noxious Gas Content in Growing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20121201] Effects of iron injection at birth on neonatal iron status in young pigs from first-parity sows fed delta-aminolevulinic acid
  • 일반논문[20121201] Effects of beta-glucan and Bacillus subtilis on growth performance, blood profiles, relative organ weight and meat quality in broilers fed maize-soybean meal based diets
  • 일반논문[20121101] Effects of Anti-diarrhoeal Herbs on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, and Meat Quality in Pigs
  • 일반논문[20121023] Creep feed: effects of feed frequency on pre-weaning and postweaning performance and behavior of piglets and sows
  • 일반논문[20121001] Effect of Bacteriophages Supplementation on the Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Characteristics, and Fecal Microbial Shedding in Growing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20121001] Effects of emulsifier and multi-enzyme in different energy density diet on growth performance, blood profiles, and relative organ weight in broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20121001] Evaluation of Houttuynia cordata and Taraxacum officinale on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Characteristics, and Fecal Microbial Shedding in Diet for Weaning Pigs
  • 일반논문[20121001] Utilization of Korean wild ginseng adventitious root meal in livestock
  • 일반논문[20120901] Influences of phytoncinde supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, diarrhea scores and fecal microflora shedding in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20120901] The benefits of using bacillus as a probiotic
  • 일반논문[20120901] Effects of fermented diets including grape and apple pomace on amino acid digestibility, nitrogen balance and volatile fatty acid (VFA) emission in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20120901] Evaluation of the Effect of Low Dietary Fermentable Carbohydrate Content on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Characteristics, and Meat Quality in Finishing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20120901] The Effects of Different Types of Feed Flavors on Feed Intake and Feeding Behaviors in Growing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20120801] Effect of Eugenol and Cinnamaldehyde on the Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Characteristics, Fecal Microbial Shedding and Fecal Noxious Gas Content in Growing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20120701] Effects of Bacteriophage Supplementation on Egg Performance, Egg Quality, Excreta Microflora, and Moisture Content in Laying Hens
  • 일반논문[20120701] Effect of Medium-chain Triglyceride (MCT) on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Characteristics in Weanling Pigs
  • 일반논문[20120601] Impacts of Limestone Multi-particle Size on Production Performance, Egg Shell Quality, and Egg Quality in Laying Hens
  • 일반논문[20120501] Effects of different fermented soy protein and apparent ileal digestible lysine levels on weaning pigs fed fermented soy protein-amended diets
  • 일반논문[20120501] Effects of Fish Meal from Various Origins on Growth Performance and Nutrient Digestibility in Piglets
  • 일반논문[20120501] Effect of an herb extract mixture on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, and fecal microbial shedding in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20120501] Effects of fermented garlic powder supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and meat quality in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20120401] Effects of supplementation of chito-oligosaccharide on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and appearance of diarrhea in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20120401] Influence of bamboo vinegar supplementation on growth performance, apparent total tract digestibility, blood characteristics, meat quality, fecal noxious gas content, and fecal microbial concentration in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20120301] Fat Utilization for Pigs: A Review
  • 일반논문[20120301] Effect of mannan oligosaccharides and fructan on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, and diarrhea score in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20111204] Evaluation of natural and synthetic vitamin E on production performance, egg quality and vitamin E content of yolk in laying hens
  • 일반논문[20111201] Effect of caprylic acid and Yucca schidigera extract on production performance, egg quality, blood characteristics, and excreta microflora in laying hens
  • 일반논문[20111201] The Apparent Total Tract Digestibility, Apparent Ileal Digestibility and Fecal Noxious Gas Content of Growing Pigs Fed Probiotics in Diets
  • 일반논문[20111201] Fish meal - nutritive value
  • 일반논문[20111201] Effect of Dietary Grape Pomace Fermented by Saccharomyces boulardii on the Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Meat Quality in Finishing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20111103] Evaluation of dietary supplementation of delta-aminolevulinic acid and chitooligosaccharide on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, and fecal microbial shedding in weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20111101] Effects of Varying Creep Feed Duration on Pre-weaning and Post-weaning Performance and Behavior of Piglet and Sow
  • 일반논문[20111101] The effect of an herb extract mixture on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and fecal noxious gas content in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20111101] The effects of dietary Houttuynia cordata and Taraxacum officinale extract powder on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20111017] Effect of stocking density on pig production
  • 일반논문[20111001] Effects of Creep Feed with Varied Energy Density Diets on Litter Performance
  • 일반논문[20111001] Effects of fermented garlic powder supplementation on growth performance, blood profiles and breast meat quality in broilers
  • 일반논문[20110901] Evaluation of dietary wild-ginseng adventitious root meal on egg production, egg quality, hematological profiles and egg yolk fatty acid composition in laying hens
  • 일반논문[20110901] The evaluation of soybean meals from 3 major soybean-producing countries on productive performance and feeding value of pig diets
  • 일반논문[20110901] Effects of dietary supplementation with delta-aminolevulinic acid on growth performance, hematological status, and immune responses of weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20110801] Probiotics as a dietary for pigs: A review
  • 일반논문[20110801] Effects of delta-aminolevulinic acid and vitamin C supplementation on iron status, production performance, blood characteristics and egg quality of laying hens
  • 일반논문[20110801] Effects of aminolevulinic acid and vitamin C supplementation on iron status, production performance, blood characteristics and egg quality of laying hens
  • 일반논문[20110701] Evaluation of the Apparent Ileal Digestibility (AID) of Protein and Amino Acids in Nursery Diets by In vitro and In vivo Methods
  • 일반논문[20110701] Effect of dietary fermented garlic by Weissella koreensis powder on growth performance, blood characteristics, and immune response of growing pigs challenged with Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide
  • 일반논문[20110701] Influence of Fermented Red Ginseng Extract on Broilers and Laying Hens
  • 일반논문[20110701] deita-aminolevulinic Acid (ALA) as a potential feed additive in pig: A Review
  • 일반논문[20110601] Effects of Fermented Fish Meal on N balance, and Apparent Total Tract and Ileal Amino Acid Digestibility in Weanling Pigs
  • 일반논문[20110601] Effects of Saururus chinensis extract supplementation on growth performance, meat quality and slurry noxious gas emission in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20110601] Creep Feed: Effects of Feed Flavor Supplementation on Pre- and Post-weaning Performance and Behavior of Piglet and Sow
  • 일반논문[20110501] Effects of fermented garlic powder supplementation on growth performance, blood characteristics and meat quality in finishing pigs fed low-nutrient-density diets
  • 일반논문[20110501] Effects of a carbohydrase cocktail supplementation on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles and meat quality in finishing pigs fed palm kernel meal
  • 일반논문[20110430] 복합효소제의 첨가가 육성돈의 생산성, 영양소 소화율, 혈액성상 및 사료비용에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20110401] Effects of Fermented Red Ginseng Supplementation on Growth Performance, Apparent Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Hematology and Meat Quality in Finishing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20110301] Evaluation of the Anion supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and faecal noxious gas content in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20110201] Effects of dietary delta-aminolevulinic acid and vitamin C on growth performance, immune organ weight and ferrum status in broiler chicks
  • 일반논문[20110201] Effects of Dietary Wild-ginseng Adventitious Root Meal on Growth Performance, Blood Profiles, Relative Organ Weight and Meat Quality in Broiler Chickens
  • 일반논문[20101214] Effects of dietary soybean hulls and lactobacillus reuteri on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and noxious gas mission from feces and slurry in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20101208] Effects of herbal extract on growth performance, fecal microbiota, nutrient digestibility, and blood profiles in weaning pigs
  • 일반논문[20101201] Effects of Non-starch Polysaccharide-degrading Enzymes on Nutrient Digestibility, Growth Performance and Blood Profiles of Growing Pigs Fed a Diet Based on Corn and Soybean Meal
  • 일반논문[20101201] Effects of Dietary Bio Ethanol By-product and Complex Enzyme on Meat Quality of Pork Loin
  • 일반논문[20101101] Novel intracellular GH10 xylanase from Cohnella laeviribosi HY-21: Biocatalytic properties and alterations of substrate specificities by site-directed mutagenesis of Trp residues
  • 일반논문[20101101] Effects of Chito-oligosaccharide Supplementation on Egg Production, Nutrient Digestibility, Egg Quality and Blood Profiles in Laying Hens
  • 일반논문[20101101] Effects of Diet Complexity and Fermented Soy Protein on Growth Performance and Apparent Ileal Amino Acid Digestibility in Weanling Pigs
  • 일반논문[20101001] Influence of probiotics in different energy and nutrient density diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, meat quality, and blood characteristics in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20100801] Effects of Anion Supplementation on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Meat Quality and Fecal Noxious Gas Content in Growing-finishing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20100801] Evaluation of Dietary Supplementation of Delta-aminolevulinic Acid and Chito-oligosaccharide on Production Performance, Egg Quality and Hematological Characteristics in Laying Hens
  • 일반논문[20100730] 사료내 Agariemycetes 첨가 급여가 산란계의 계란 품질 및 분내 유해 가스 농도에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20100701] Effects of phenyllactic acid on growth performance, intestinal microbiota, relative organ weight, blood characteristics, and meat quality of broiler chicks
  • 일반논문[20100601] Nitrogen balance and ileal nutrient digestibility in weanling pigs fed spray dried plasma protein and fermented fish meals
  • 일반논문[20100601] Effect of Prebiotics on Intestinal Microflora and Fermentation Products in Pig In Vitro Model
  • 일반논문[20100601] Effect of Dietary Copper Sources (Cupric Sulfate and Cupric Methionate) and Concentrations on Performance and Fecal Characteristics in Growing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20100601] Effects of Fermented Garlic Powder on Production Performance, Egg Quality, Blood Profiles and Fatty Acids Composition of Egg Yolk in Laying Hens
  • 일반논문[20100501] The Effects of Different Copper (Inorganic and Organic) and Energy (Tallow and Glycerol) Sources on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, and Fecal Excretion Profiles in Growing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20100501] Effects of Dietary Supplementation with Blended Essential Oils on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profiles and Fecal Characteristics in Weanling Pigs
  • 일반논문[20100430] 돈육의 브랜드화를 위한 Blended Essential Oil의 육질개선 효과
  • 일반논문[20100430] 약용식물(Artemisia, Acanthopanax and Garlic)의 급여가 돼지의 생산성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20100430] 착즙부산물을 이용한 발효사료가 육성돈의 영양소 소화율 및 질소균형에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20100301] Influence of essential oil supplementation and diets with different nutrient densities on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, meat quality and fecal noxious gas content in grower-finisher pigs
  • 일반논문[20100228] 초기 비육돈에서 생균제 첨가 급여가 생산성, 영양소 소화율, 분내 Lactobacillus와 Escherichia coli 농도, 분으로부터의 유해가스 발생량 및 혈중 혈액세포 농도에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20091201] Effects of single or carbohydrases cocktail in low-nutrient-density diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, and carcass traits in growing-finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20091101] Nutrient digestibility, blood profiles and fecal microbiota are influenced by chitooligosaccharide supplementation of growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20091101] Effects of delta-aminolevulinic acid and vitamin C supplementation on feed intake, backfat, and iron status in sows
  • 일반논문[20091031] Comparative Effects of Phytase Derived from Escherichia coli and Aspergillus niger in Sixty Eight-week-old Laying Hens Fed Corn-soy Diet
  • 일반논문[20091001] Effects of phenyllactic acid on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, microbial shedding, and blood profile in pigs
  • 일반논문[20090901] Effects of chitooligosaccharide supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and immune responses after lipopolysaccharide challenge in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20090831] Effects of Fermented Soy Protein on Nitrogen Balance and Apparent Fecal and Ileal Digestibility in Weaned Pigs
  • 일반논문[20090831] Effects of Dietary Synbiotics from Anaerobic Microflora on Growth Performance, Noxious Gas Emission and Fecal Pathogenic Bacteria Population in Weaning Pigs
  • 일반논문[20090731] Effects of Fermented Soy Protein on Growth Performance and Blood Protein Contents in Nursery Pigs
  • 일반논문[20090601] Effects of phenyllactic acid on production performance, egg quality parameters, and blood characteristics in laying hens
  • 일반논문[20090301] Effect of bedding types and different nutrient densities on growth performance, visceral organ weight, and blood characteristics in broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20090301] Effects of chitooligosaccharide supplementation on performance, blood characteristics, relative organ weight, and meat quality in broiler chickens
  • 일반논문[20090201] Effects of dietary glucose level during late gestation on litter performance and glucose concentration in sows
  • 일반논문[20090131] Effects of Replacing Soy Protein Concentrate with Fermented Soy Protein in Starter Diet on Growth Performance and Ileal Amino Acid Digestibility in Weaned Pigs
  • 일반논문[20090101] The effect of probiotic BioPlus 2B (R) on growth performance, dry matter and nitrogen digestibility and slurry noxious gas emission in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20081231] Effects of Corn Distillers Dried Grain With Soluble (DDGS) of American and Chinese Origin on Meet Quality and Amino Acid of Meat in Finishing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20081031] 산삼 부정근박 급여가 육성-비육돈의 생산성, 혈액성상 및 육질특성에 미치는 영향.
  • 일반논문[20080930] Evaluation of delta-aminolevulinic acid on serum iron status, blood characteristics, egg performance and quality in laying hens
  • 일반논문[20080901] Effects of supplemental humic substances on growth performance, blood characteristics and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20080831] 이유자돈에서 건조 유청 대체를 위한 옥수수 전분 가공제품 Bio-starch의 급여 평가.
  • 일반논문[20080831] 사료내 희토 첨가가 비육돈의 생산성, 혈액내 면역관련 세포수, 육질특성 및 분 중 악취방출 가스함량에 미치는 영향.
  • 일반논문[20080830] Effects of High Protein Diet Containing Barley on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Finishing Pigs
  • 일반논문[20080801] Evaluation of fat sources(Iecithin, mono-glyceride and mono-diglyceride)in weaned pigs: Apparent total tract and ileal nutrient digestibilities.
  • 일반논문[20080801] Effects of reducing dietary crude protein on growth performance, odor gas emission from manure and blood urea nitrogen and IGF-1 concentrations of serum in nursery pigs
  • 일반논문[20080702] 산란계 사료내 Conjugated Linoleic Acid(CLA)와 불포화지방산 함유 Oil의 첨가가 산란율 계란의 품질에 미치는 영향.
  • 일반논문[20080702] 산란계에 Microbial Phytase 첨가시 산란율, 계란 품질, 인 이용물 및 영양소 대사율에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20080702] 고에너지 사료 내 항생제와 효모제의 첨가가 육계의 생산성, 혈액 성상 및 도체 특성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20080630] Effects of supplementation with transgenic Bacillus subtilis secreting chitinase on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, and carcass traits in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20080630] 육계 사료내 phytase 첨가시 성장률, 육질특성, 영양소 소화율, 및 인 이용율에 미치는 영향.
  • 일반논문[20080630] 사료내 흑운모 분말 첨가가 육성돈의 생산성, 혈액내 면역 및 스트레스 관련지표의 변화, 분중 악취방출 가스 생성에 미치는 영향.
  • 일반논문[20080523] Utilization of delta-aminolevulinic acid for livestock: blood characteristics and immune organ weight in broilers
  • 일반논문[20080523] Effect of dietary soyabean hulls and metal-amino acid chelated mineral supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and noxious gas emission in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20080430] 육성돈 사료내 건조 맥주박의 첨가수준에 따른 옥수수-대두박 대체급여가 생산성과 영양소 소화율에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20080331] 미네랄 및 비타민 강화제의 첨가가 산란노계의 생산성, 계란 품질 및 혈청 내 Ca, P 농도에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20080331] 유기산 복합물 급여가 육계 생산성, 장기무게, 혈액내 면역적 성상 및 장내 융모 형태에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20080330] Effects of copper and zinc sources on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, carcass traits and meat characteristics in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20080301] Evaluation of dietary L-carnitine or garlic powder on growth performance, dry matter and nitrogen digestibilities, blood profiles and meat quality in.finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20080301] Effect of delta-aminolevulinic acid on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood parameters and the immune response of weanling pigs challenged with Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide
  • 일반논문[20080229] Escherichia coli Phytase의 첨가가 비육돈의 생산성, 도체특성 및 분 내 구리와 아연 함량에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20080229] 잣부산물의 급여가 육계의 생산성, 혈청 콜레스테롤, 도체특성 및 육의 지방산과 콜레스테롤 함량에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20080130] Utilization of oil by-product from the purification process of conjugated linoleic acid as feeding supplements for the accumulation of conjugated linoleic acid in the egg yolk
  • 일반논문[20080130] Effects of phytogenic substances on growth performance, digestibility of nutrients, faecal noxious gas content, blood and milk characteristics and reproduction in sows and litter performance
  • 일반논문[20071231] 포유모돈 사료에 코코넛 분말지방 첨가가 모돈의 생산성 및 모유성상에 미치는 효과
  • 일반논문[20071231] 잣 부산물의 급여가 비육돈의 생산성, 혈액성상, 도체특성 및 분 내 유해가스 발생에 미치는 영향.
  • 일반논문[20071231] 포유모돈에 있어 복합효소제 함유 식물성 단백질 공급원이 생산성과 돈유성상에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20071230] 발효 산삼 배양액 부산물 급여가 산란계의 산란율, 계란 품질, 혈액특성 및 난황내 진세노사이드 함량에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20071230] 무염 사료의 급여가 유도환우에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20071230] 호맥 사일리지의 급여기간이 비육돈의 생산성, 혈액 성상 및 도체특성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20071230] 비육돈에 있어서 영양소 및 원료 첨가수준이 다른 사료의 급여가 생산성, 혈중 요소태질소 및 육질특성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20071230] Evaluation of FSP(fermented soy protein) to replace soybean meal in weaned pigs: growth performance, blood urea nitrogen and total protein concentrations in serum and nutrient digestibility
  • 일반논문[20071030] 육성돈에 있어 복합생균제 첨가가 생산성, 영양소 소화율, 혈액성상 및 분뇨내 악취물질 발생량에 미치는 효과
  • 일반논문[20070930] 구리 및 아연의 수준별 급여가 비육돈의 생산성, 영양소 소화율, 육질 및 도체 특성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20070930] 산란계에 있어 델타-아미노레블린산의 급여가 생산성 및 계란 품질에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20070930] 산란계 사료 내 잣 부산물의 첨가가 산란율, 계란 품질, 혈청 콜레스테롤 및 난황 내 총 콜레스테롤과 지방산 함량에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20070930] 조단백질 수준에 따른 갯벌 미생물 유래 단백질 분해 효소제의 급여가 육계의 생산성, 영양소 소화율 및 혈액 내 총 단백질과 혈중 요소태 질소 함량에 미치는 영향.
  • 일반논문[20070930] Conjugated Lineic Acid(CLA) 전구체 및 정제 부산물의 첨가가 산란계의 산란율, 계란 품질 및 면역관련 혈액학적 지표에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20070901] The effects of dietary herbs and coral mineral complex on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20070831] 환경친화적인 사료의 급여가 육성돈의 성장 능력, 영양소 소화율, 분배설량, 분뇨내 질소 배설량 및 악취 가스에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20070831] 복합생균제 첨가가 육성돈의 생산성, 면연관련 혈액학적 지쵸 및 분내 유해가스 발생에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20070630] 호맥사일리지의 급여가 비육돈의 생산성, 혈액성상 및 도체특성에 미치는 효과
  • 일반논문[20070630] 발효산삼 배양액 부산물 급여가 비육돈의 생산성, 혈액성상, 육질특성 및 육내 Ginsenoside 함량에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20070331] 갯벌 미생물 유래 단백질 분해 효소제의 급여가 산란계의 산란 생산성, 영양소 소화율 및 혈청내 총 단백질 함량에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20070228] 양돈사료에 있어 대두의 이용
  • 일반논문[20070228] 이유자돈에 있어 대두유, 우지 및 코코넛 오일의 첨가가 생산성, 혈청 지질변화 및 영양소 소화율에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20061231] Effects of dietary supplemental Megazone on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, blood characteristics, meat quality and carcass traits in weaning-to finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20061231] Humic Substances의 급여가 산란계의 산란율과 난 특성에 미치는 영향(Effects of supplemental humic substances on egg production and quality in laying hens
  • 일반논문[20061231] 사료내 천연 미네랄과 키토산의 수준별 첨가가 산란계의 산란율 및 계란 품질에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20061231] Lactic acid bacteria 계열의 복합 생균제가 육성돈의 성장 능력과 혈액 특성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20060931] 사료내 천연 복합 미네랄 제제의 첨가가 산란계의 생산성, 계란품질 및 혈액 성상에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20060930] 복합생균제의 급여가 자돈의 성장 능력과 설사 발생에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20060831] Effects of dietary lactobacillus brevis supplementation on growth performance, dry matter and nitrogen digestibilities, blood cell counts and fecal odor emission compounds in growth pigs
  • 일반논문[20060630] 혼합생약제(고뿔)의 첨가가 육성돈의 성장, 면역관련 혈액학적 지표, 분내 휘발성 지방산과 암모니아태 질소 함량에 미치는 영향. .
  • 일반논문[20060630] Selenuim과 비타민 E의 급여가 비육돈의 육질 특성 및 저장성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20060630] Expanding 사료 가공 기술이 산란계의 계란 품질 및 영양소 소화율에 미치는 효과.
  • 일반논문[20060630] Effects of Biotite V supplementation on growth performance, nutrients digestibility and serum and meat cholesterol in broiler chickens.
  • 일반논문[20060630] 육성-비육돈에 있어 MSM(Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) 급여가 성장 및 육질특성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20060431] Effects of dietary bacillus-based probiotic on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and fecal noxious gas content in finishing pigs.
  • 일반논문[20060430] 이유자돈에 있어 대두유, 건조팜유분말과 Monoglyceride의 첨가가 성장 및 혈청 지질변화에 미치는 영향.
  • 일반논문[20060331] Effects of dietary enterococcus faecium SF68 on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and faecal noxious gas content in finishing pigs.
  • 일반논문[20060331] 사료내 액상 천연미네랄의 첨가가 육계의 성장 및 혈액 특성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20060228] 갯벌 미생물 유래 단백질 분해 효소제의 급여가 비육돈의 생산성, 아미노산 소화율, 혈액성상, 육질특성 및 분내 휘발성 지방산과 NH3-N 함량에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20060228] 후보돈에서 호맥 사일리지의 급여와 사료의 제한급여가 생산성과 번식능력에 미치는 효과
  • 일반논문[20060130] Effects of essential oils supplementation on growth performance, IgG, concenrtation and fecal noxious gas conentration of weaned pigs.
  • 일반논문[20051231] 비육돈 사료내 Bacillus의 첨가가 성장, 면역세포 변화, 분내 암모니아태질소 함량 및 도체 특성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20051231] 호맥 사일리지의 급여가 비육돈의 생산성, 혈액 성상 및 도체 특성에 미치는 효과.
  • 일반논문[20051231] 단위동물의 생산성 향상을 위한 허브이용의 최근 경향
  • 일반논문[20051231] Aspergillus oryzae 접종 남은 음식물 사료가 육계의 생산성, NH3 발생량 및 분내 미생물 성상에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20051231] Aspergillus oryzae 접종 잔반사료가 산란계의 생산성과 계란의 품질에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20051231] 건조한 남은 음식물을 이용한 Aspergillus oryzae 균주 배양조건과 그 배양물 급여가 닭의 영양소 이용률에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20051201] Effects of feeding antibiotic-free creep feed supplemented with oligofructose, probiotics or synbiotics to suckling piglets increases the preweaning weight gain and composition of intestinal microbiota
  • 일반논문[20051130] The effects of dietary Biotite V supplementation as an alternative substance to antibiotics in growing pigs.
  • 일반논문[20051030] Effects of dietary probiotic on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, blood characteristics and fecal noxious gas content in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20050930] 사료내 약용식물(인진쑥, 오가피 및 마늘)의 첨가가 육성-비육돈의 생산성, IGF-1 및 육질 특성에 미치는 영향.
  • 일반논문[20050831] The effects of dietary Biotite V supplementation on growth performance, nutrients digestibility and fecal noxious gas content in finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20050831] 사료내 약용식물(인진쑥, 오가피 및 마늘)의 첨가가 포유돈, 포유자돈 및 이유자돈의 성적 및 혈청특성에 미치는 효과
  • 일반논문[20050630] 생약제(Mircle) 첨가가 포유모돈의 생산성, 자돈의 성장 및 혈액성상 변화에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20050331] 비육돈 사료내 산조인(Zizyphus vulgaris)의 급여가 성장, 혈액내 cortisol 및 육질 특성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20050331] 포유돈사료내 탄수화물 공급 및 에너지 수준에 따른 모돈 및 자돈 생산성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20050331] Effects of Lactobacillus reuteri-based direct-fed microbial supplementation for growing-finishing pigs.
  • 일반논문[20050330] 산란계에 Bacillus subtilis 의 급여가 계란품질, 혈액성상 및 분내 암모니아태 질소 함량에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20050330] 인과 칼슘의 수준이 낮은 산란계 사료내 미생물 Phytase의 첨가가 생산성 및 영양소 소화율에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20050330] 식이유황 MSM(Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) 급여가 돼지의 성장 및 질소와 칼슘 소화율에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20041231] 한방부산물과 바이오 세라믹(약돌) 혼합물의 급여가 비육돈의 성장 및 육질 특성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20041231] 허브제품(Animunin Powder)의 급여가 산란계의 계란품질과 혈액성상 및 영양소 소화율에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20041230] 이유자돈에 있어 δ-아미노레불린산의 식이내 첨가가 성장 및 혈액학적 변화에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20041230] 자돈에 있어 게르마늄 용질액의 급여가 성장 및 혈액학적 변화에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20040930] The effect of feeding processed soy protein on the growth performance and apparent ileal digestibility in weanling pigs
  • 일반논문[20040831] Evaluation effects of spray-dried egg protein containing specific egg yolk antibodies as a substitute for spray-dried plasma protein or antibiotics in weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20040831] 비육돈에 있어서 Selenium Binding Yeast Peptide의 첨가가 생산성, 조직내 Se 함량, 혈청내 GSH-Px의 활성 및 돈육의 품질에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20040830] 돼지사료내 황기와 건조양파분의 첨가가 성장 및 영양소 소화율에 미치는 효과
  • 일반논문[20040630] Animunin Powder의 첨가가 자돈 및 육성돈의 성장과 혈액성상에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20040630] 복합생균제의 급여가 육계의 성장 능력과 영양소 소화율에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20040630] 포유돈 사료에 Malty Culture의 첨가가 모돈 및 자돈 생산성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20040331] 비육돈 사료내 비특이성 면역증강제(NIS)의 급여가 성장 및 도체특성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20040331] 고온스트레스 환경내 산란계에 있어 생약제의 급여가 생산성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20040301] Influences of plant exreact supplementation on performance and blood characteristics in weaned pigs
  • 일반논문[20040229] 효모가수분해물 SCP-20의 첨가가 웅성 마우스의 생식기능에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20031230] 자돈 및 비육돈에 있어 옥수수의 가공 효과
  • 일반논문[20031230] 비육돈에 있어서 생약제 혼합물의 급여가 성장률, 영양소 소화율, 혈청학적 변화 및 도체특성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20031230] 돈분의 퇴비화에 있어서 최종산물의 물리화학적 성상 연구
  • 일반논문[20031230] 육성돈에 있어 황기와 건조양파분의 급여가 성장 및 영양소 소화율에 미치는 효과
  • 일반논문[20031230] 환경 친화적인 양돈 영양에 대한 연구
  • 일반논문[20031201] 단백질 수준과 게르마늄 흑운모의 첨가가 산란생산성, 계란품질 및 분내 휘발성 지방산에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20031130] 브랜드 돈육 생산
  • 일반논문[20031030] 돼지 생산성에 있어 게르마늄 흑운모의 첨가수준 및 입자도의 효과
  • 일반논문[20030830] Evaluation of recombinant human lactoferricin culture as a substitute for antibiotic in pig start diets(이유자돈사료에 항생제를 대체하기 위한 재조합 인간 락토페리신 컬처의 평가)
  • 일반논문[20030701] Apparent ileal digestibility of nutrient in plant protein feedstuffs for finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20030630] 이유자돈, 육성돈 및 비육돈에 있어 게르마늄흑운모의 급여 효과
  • 일반논문[20030630] 식이내 타우린 첨가가 비육돈의 성장, 등지방두께, 체내 콜레스테롤 및 타우린 농도에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20030430] 자돈 및 육성돈에 있어 알파-1,6-galactosidase와 베타-1,4-mannanase의 사료내 첨가가 성장 및 영양소 소화율에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20030301] 산란계 사료에 게르마늄 흑운모의 첨가가 난각특성 및 분내 유해가스 함량에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20030301] 육계에 있어 게르마늄 흑운모의 첨가가 성장 및 혈액성상에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20030201] Effects of expander processing and enzyme supplementation of wheat-based diets for finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20030101] Effects of amylase and cellulase supplementation in sorghum-based diets for finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20021201] 단위가축을 위한 생균제의 급여 효과
  • 일반논문[20021031] 돼지의 분변에서 분리한 Enterococcus durans LP44의 생균제로서의 특징
  • 일반논문[20021030] 난황항체를 함유한 분무건조전난의 영양적 가치 평가
  • 일반논문[20020801] Processing procedures and feeding systems for sorghum-based diets given to lactating sows
  • 일반논문[20020630] 자돈 및 비육돈에 있어 생균제의 첨가가 생산성 및 분내 가스발생에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20020625] 육성돈에 있어 성장 및 영양소 배설에 대한 미생물성 Phytase의 첨가 효과
  • 일반논문[20020601] Corn Particle size affects nutritional value of simple and complex diets for nursery pigs and broiler chicks
  • 일반논문[20020430] 산란계에 있어 생균제의 첨가가 계란품질 및 배설물내 유해가스 함량에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20020325] 돼지사료가공이 성장 및 환경에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20020301] 사료내 생균제의 첨가가 육계의 성장, 혈액성상 및 분내 유해가스 함량에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20020301] 산란계 사료에 게르마늄의 첨가가 계란품질 및 면역반응에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20020301] 산란계에서 활성야자탄의 첨가가 계란의 품질 및 혈장 콜레스테롤 함량에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20020301] 산란계에서 탄수화물 분해효소제의 첨가가 계란의 품질 및 영양소 소화율에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20020228] 비육돈에 있어 황기, 인삼, 양파 혼합물의 급여가 성장 및 도체 특성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20011231] 비육돈에 있어 옥수수 입자도 및 익스펜더 가공에 따른 성장율과 영양소 소화율에 미치는 효과
  • 일반논문[20011231] 환경친화형 양돈사료를 위한 항생제 대체 기능성 물질
  • 일반논문[20011231] 고온 스트레스하에서 한방 부산물의 첨가가 산란계의 계란품질 및 혈청 콜레스테롤에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20011231] 사료내 비타민 E의 추가 급여가 돈육질에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20011231] 돈분의 퇴비화에 있어 악취 제거 기능성물질의 첨가효과
  • 일반논문[20011001] Effects of phytezyme supplementation on the growth performance and nutrient digestibility in growing pigs
  • 일반논문[20010919] 돈분의 퇴비화에 있어 원보조재의 혼합비에 따른 최종산물의 화학적인 조성 연구
  • 일반논문[20010901] Effects of yucca extract and(or) far infrared emitted materials supplementation on the growth performance, serum characteristics and ammonia production of growing and finishing pigs
  • 일반논문[20010901] Effect of different dietary CP levels on the growth, nutrient utilization and carcass characterististics of finishing barrows and gilts reared in phase feeding regimen
  • 일반논문[20010619] Recent Advances in the use of enzymes for environment-friendly swine diets(환경친화성 양돈사료를 위한 효소제 사용의 최근 경향)
  • 일반논문[20010430] 돼지에 있어 성장, 영양소 소화율 및 사료비용에 관한 옥수수의 적정 입자도
  • 일반논문[20010430] 격리조기이유자돈에 있어 항생제 대체를 위한 난황항체의 첨가 효과
  • 일반논문[20010428] 비육돈 사료에 양파의 첨가가 성장 및 혈중 콜레스테롤 함량에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20010401] Phytase 첨가가 산란계의 체내 영양소 균형 및 생산성에 미치는 효과
  • 일반논문[20010401] 산란계에 있어 Fermkito50의 첨가가 혈청 및 난황내 콜레스테롤 함량과 계란품질에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20010331] Phytase를 이용한 환경친화성 육성돈 사료개발
  • 일반논문[20010320] 조기이유자돈에 있어서 난황항체를 이용한 장독성 대장균 987P(F6) 설사증 방어효과
  • 일반논문[20010320] 돼지에 있어 원적외선 방사물질의 첨가가 면역반응 및 분중 미생물의 변화에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20010228] 도계폐기물을 이용한 환경친화성 비육돈 사료 개발
  • 일반논문[20010228] 육성-비육돈에 있어서 성장과 영양소 소화율에 대한 익스펜딩 가공사료의 효과
  • 일반논문[20001230] Feeder design, pelleting and season affect growth performance and water use in finishing pigs(비육돈에 있어 사료 급이기 디자인, 펠렛 및 계절은 성장과 물 섭취에 영향을 준다)
  • 일반논문[20001201] Effects of heat treatment on soybeans with and without the gene expression for the kunitz trypsin inhibitor: chick growth assays
  • 일반논문[20001201] 산란계사료내 Sea Shell 첨가로 인한 난각질 향상에 미치는 효과
  • 일반논문[20001201] Effects of particle size and extrusion of maize and sorghum on ileal digestibility anf growth performance in pigs weaned at 14 and 21 days of age
  • 일반논문[20001101] Effects of sodium sulfite and extrusion on the nutritional value of soybean products for nursery pigs
  • 일반논문[20001101] Effects of replacing dried skim milk with wheat gluten and spray dried porcine protein on growth performance and digestibility of nutrients in nursery pigs
  • 일반논문[20001001] 육성비육돈에 있어서 고-저 영양소 수준의 사료급여가 생산성에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20000901] Effects of processing and genetics on the nutritional value of sorghum in chicks and pigs
  • 저서/역서[20120901] 동물영양학
  • 저서/역서[20120225] 최신 동물영양학
  • 저서/역서[20090215] 동물영양학
  • 저서/역서[20060523] 축산식품과 사료의 위생 및 HACCP
  • 지식재산권[20161026] 카폭박을 포함하는 비육돈 사육용 사료 조성물, 이를 이용한 사육 방법 및 이로부터 얻은 돈육
  • 지식재산권[20160908] 산란계 산란율 증가용 사료첨가제, 이를 이용한 사료 조성물 및 사육 방법10-2013-0168681
  • 지식재산권[20160615] 육계의 성장촉진용 사료첨가제, 이를 이용한 사료 조성물 및 사육 방법
  • 지식재산권[20160229] 성장율 및 육질 개선을 위한 비육돈 사육용 사료 조성물, 이를 이용한 사육 방법 및 이로부터 얻은 돈육
  • 지식재산권[20160229] β-글루칸 및 케이퍼를 유효성분으로 포함하는 가금류의 육질 개선용 사료첨가제, 이를 이용한 사료 조성물 및 사육 방법
  • 지식재산권[20151214] 옥수수 발효물을 포함하는 육성돈 사료 조성물, 이의 제조 방법 및 이를 이용한 돼지의 사육 방법
  • 지식재산권[20151214] 유카 추출물 및 탄수화물 분해효소를 유효성분으로 포함하는 가금류용 사료첨가제, 이를 이용한 사료 조성물 및 사육 방법
  • 지식재산권[20151207] 타임 및 팔각의 혼합 추출물을 유효성분으로 포함하는 괴사성 장염의 치료, 개선 또는 예방용 조성물, 이를 이용한 사료 조성물 및 사육 방법
  • 지식재산권[20120228] 5-아미노레불린산(ALA)과 키토산 발효물의 합제를 유효성분으로 함유하는 가축사료 조성물(Stock feed composition containing blend of 5-aminolevulinic acid and fermented kitosan as active ingredient)
  • 지식재산권[20110830] 셀루라아제 및 자일라나아제를 분비하는 바실러스 리케니포르미스 및 이의 용도
  • 지식재산권[20081201] 포도부산물의 효율을 증대시킨 사료첨가제.
  • 지식재산권[20080305] 항원 결정기를 포함하는 재조합 개 로타바이러스 VP4 단백질 및 이에 대한 항체
  • 지식재산권[20080305] 항원 결정기를 포함하는 재조합 개 아데노바이러스 섬유단백질 및 이에대한 항제
  • 지식재산권[20060721] 항생제대체를 위한 가축사료의 조성물(일본특허)
  • 지식재산권[20060307] Feedstuff Composition For Replacing Antibiotics
  • 지식재산권[20051130] 유지사료 및 그 제조방법
  • 지식재산권[20050421] 타우린 함유 비육돈 제조 방법 및 그 돈육
  • 지식재산권[20030924] 한약제를 함유한 성장촉진용 돼지사료 조성물
  • 지식재산권[20020624] 항생제 대체를 위한 가축사료 조성물
  • 학술발표[20190312] Dietary astragalus membranaceus and codonopsis pilosula extracts supplementation increases growth performance and FMD antibody titers in growing-finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20190312] Effect of carbohydrases on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles and fecal microbiota in weanling pigs fed reduced energy diet.
  • 학술발표[20190312] Effect of yeast supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and cytokines mRNA expression in weanling piglets reared under low sanitary environment.
  • 학술발표[20190312] Effects of dietary coated omega-3 supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, and fatty acid composition in lactating sows and suckling piglets.
  • 학술발표[20190312] Effects of fermented soybean meal on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile and fecal microflora in weaning pigs.
  • 학술발표[20190312] Effects of varying ratio of L-Arginine and Lysine on the performance of sows and their litters.
  • 학술발표[20181106] Nucleotide-mediated SPDEF modulates TFF3-mediated wound healing and intestinal barrier function during the weaning process.
  • 학술발표[20181106] Difructose dianhydride improves intestinal calcium absorption, wound healing, and barrier function.
  • 학술발표[20180711] Effect of dietary supplementation with brewer's yeast hydrolysate on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, blood profiles and meat quality in growing to finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20180710] Comparison of 1,3-diacylglycerol and 1,2-diacylglycerol as exogenous emulsifiers on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20180710] Growth performance, nutrient digestibility, meat quality, blood profiles, and gut health supplemented with Synbiotic Yeast Culture in broiler diets.
  • 학술발표[20180710] Effects of Spirulina supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, antioxidant enzyme activity analysis, and fecal microbial in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20180710] Influence of dietary supplementation with omega-3 on eggs and blood profiles in laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20180710] Roles of the nucleotide supplementation in nutrient digestibility, stress hormone and reducing foot-and-mouth disease vaccinated stress reaction in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20180710] Effects of non-genetically modified organism wheat on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile and meat quality in grower-finisher pigs.
  • 학술발표[20180710] Evaluation of the effects of antibiotics and synbiotic in grower-finisher pigs.
  • 학술발표[20180710] Effect of supplementation with brewer yeast hydrolysate on growth performance, blood profile, fecal score, fecal microbial, and rectal temperature in weanling pigs challenged with lipopolysaccharide.
  • 학술발표[20180709] Effect of Yea-Sacc® yeast culture on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and fecal score in weanling pigs.
  • 학술발표[20180314] Effect of dietary supplementation of β-glucanase on growth performance, carcass quality, blood profiles, excreta noxious gas emission, ileum viscosity, and nutrient digestibility in broilers.
  • 학술발표[20180313] Growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbiota and fecal noxious gas emission in weaning pigs fed high and low density diet with and without protected organic acid blends.
  • 학술발표[20180313] Effects of yeast culture (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) supplementation on growth performance, fecal score, and nutrient digestibility of weaning pigs.
  • 학술발표[20180313] Effect of non-dairy creamer supplementation to corn-soybean meal based diet on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and meat quality in broilers.
  • 학술발표[20180313] Effect of dietary with probiotics complex (B. subtilis and B. licheniformis) supplementation on reproduction performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, fecal noxius gas emission, and fecal microflora in lactation sows and sucking piglets.
  • 학술발표[20180313] Evaluation of Expanded Diet and Different Phase Feeding Programs in Growing-Finishing Pigs.
  • 학술발표[20180313] Effects of supplemental phytoncide instead of zinc oxide on growth performance, apparent nutrient digestibility, blood Profiles and fecal microflora in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20180313] Evaluation of performance in broilers fed corn-soybean meal based diets supplemented with multi enzymes.
  • 학술발표[20180313] Effect of dietary emulsifiers with different hydrophilic-lipophilic balance values on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, serum lipid profiles and meat quality of broilers.
  • 학술발표[20180312] Effect of dietary Ractopamine supplementation on growth performance, meat quality, carcass characteristics and fecal score in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20180312] Influence of Protease Supplementation to Corn-Soybean Meal Based High and Low Energy Diets on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profiles, and Gas Emission in Growing Pigs.
  • 학술발표[20180312] Effects of the inclusion of vitamin B2 by-product on growth performance, blood profiles and meat quality in growing-finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20180312] Effect of dietary protected organic acids on growth performance, fecal microflora in weanling pigs.
  • 학술발표[20180312] Effect of nucleotides supplementation to corn soybean meal-based diet on growth performance, fecal microflora, and blood profiles in sows and their piglets.
  • 학술발표[20180312] Do varied omega-6: omega-3 ratio diets have impact on performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and fecal E.coli and Lactobacillus counts in weaned pigs.
  • 학술발표[20171120] Levan-type fructan improved growth performance and nutrient digestibility of weaner pigs.
  • 학술발표[20171120] Effects of dietary supplementation of Curcuma aromatica and inositol monophosphate on performance and IgG of blood in lactating sows and piglets.
  • 학술발표[20171120] Effect of probiotic and xylanase on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, and faecal microflora in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20171120] Effects of a multi-strain probiotic on growth performance and faecal microflora in weaner pigs.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Severe and short feed quantitative restriction affect on performance of broiler chickens.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Effects of dietary 1,3-diacylglycerol (DAG) supplementation for growing pigs fed low energy diets.
  • 학술발표[20170828] The effects of protein sources on growth performance, apparent ileal digestibility in weanling pigs.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Effects of drinking water within Ca and Mg on production performance and egg quality of laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Effects of different n-6 to n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio on gestation-lactating sows.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Evaluation of protein level and lysine:net energy ratio in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Inclusion of coated feed additives (MARKTM) on performance and FMD antibody titer of growingpigs.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Effects of xylanase supplementation on nutrient digestibility, ileal digestibility of amino acids and fecal micrflora in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Efficacy of Biocholine in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Evaluating the impact of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 on sow performance and their litters.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Effect of chitooligosaccharides on egg production, egg quality and blood profiles in laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Effect of emulsifier (sodium stearoyl lactylate) in weaning pigs.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Evaluation of feeding periods of dietary conjugated linoleic acid supplement in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Effect of controlling feeding time and additional water on finishing pigs under heat stress.
  • 학술발표[20170828] The effect of the supplementation of Bacillus subtilis RX7 and B2A strains in laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Effects of dietary energy levels on growth performance in lactating sows and piglets.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Dietary Organic acids blend supplementation on performance and gut health in sows and their litters.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Effects of Enterococcus faecium and the blend of organic acids in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Effect of dietary slow release calcium supplementation on egg quality in Hy-line brown layers.
  • 학술발표[20170828] Efficacy of dietary supplementation of conjugated linoleic acid in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20170313] Effects of Addition of Protease with or without Fructo-Oligosaccharide to Low Protein Diet on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, and Fecal Ammonia Emission in Growing-Finishing Pigs.
  • 학술발표[20170313] Effect of Different Phase Level of Medium Chain Triglycerides on Growth Performance, Excreta Microflora and Blood Profiles in Broilers.
  • 학술발표[20170313] Effects of Dietary Supplementation with a Probiotic (Enterococcus faecium) on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Fecal Microbiota and Fecal Score in Weanling Pigs.
  • 학술발표[20170313] The Interactive Effects of a Matrix Coated Organic Acids Blend and Antibiotic Supplementation in Growing Pigs.
  • 학술발표[20170313] Influence of Enterococcus Faecium and Endo-1,4-Xylanase Supplementation to Corn and Soybean Meal Based Diet on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Meat Quality, Fecal Microflora and Fecal Gas Emission in Finishing Pigs.
  • 학술발표[20170313] Effects of Mixture of Organic Acids and Medium Chain Fatty Acids on Growth Performance, Diarrhea Incidence and Fecal Microbial Flora in Weaning Pigs Orally Challenged with Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K88.
  • 학술발표[20170313] Effects of Enterococcus faecium on Growth Performance, Blood Parameters, Relative Organ Weight, Breast Muscle Meat Quality, Excreta Microbial Shedding and Noxious Gas Emission in Broilers.
  • 학술발표[20170313] Effect of Different Level of Lysine and Metabolic Energy on Growth Performance and Nutrient Digestibility in Broilers with Corn–Soybean Meal–Canola Meal as Based Diet.
  • 학술발표[20170313] Effects of Various Dietary n-6:n-3 PUFA Ratios on Growth Performance, Carcass Traits, Blood Lipid Profiles and Meat Quality in Finishing Pigs.
  • 학술발표[20170313] Effects of a Multi-Strain Bacillus Spp. Direct-Fed Microbial(DFM) and Protease Combination at Different Doses on Apparent Ileal (AID) and Total Tract Digestibility (ATTD) of Nutrients in Growing Pigs Fed Corn-Soybean Meal-Based Diets: A Combined Analysis of Two Studies.
  • 학술발표[20160719] Effects of dietary red ginseng on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, meat quality, and carcass grade in growing-finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160719] Effect of protected organic acid blend with medium chain fatty acid on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, meat quality, fecal micro flora and fecal gas emission in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160719] Effect of lysophospholipids supplementation in different energy diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, milk composition, litter performance and fecal score in lactating sows.
  • 학술발표[20160719] Effect of multispecies probiotic supplementation source on growth performance and meat quality traits in growing-finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160719] Effects of dietary β-mannanase supplementation with soy bean meal in the performances in weanling pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160719] Effect of multi-enzyme component on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, carcass quality and gas emission in broilers.
  • 학술발표[20160719] Effects of dietary supplementation with xylanase on growth performance, ileal digesta viscosity, apparent ileal digestibility, and excreta noxious gas emission of broilers fed wheat-based diets.
  • 학술발표[20160719] Effect of dietary flaxseed oil on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, and meat quality in pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160719] Effect of microencapsulated blends of organic acids on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and fecal microflora in pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160316] Effect of protease and anti-inflammatory supplementation with low nutrient diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile and fecal noxious gas in growing-finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160316] Bacillus subtilis, essential oil, chromium and glucose as sow pack are related to performance, immune and (or) stress of sows and piglets.
  • 학술발표[20160316] The interactive effects of fenugreek seed extract supplementation and dietary metabolizable energy levels in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160316] Effects of -aminolevulinic acid, and lactulose supplements in weaning piglets.
  • 학술발표[20160316] Role of emulsifier as fat replacer in low density diet for growing and finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160316] Effects of Herbiotic FS Supplementation in weanling pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160316] Evaluation of interactive effects of vitamin E and linseed oil as a source of omega-3 fatty acids on growth performance, blood characteristics and meat quality of finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160315] Effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product supplementation in different nutrient density diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbiota and fecal noxious gas emissions in weanling pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160315] Dietary Levan-type fructan improved growth performance of lactating sows and their offspring and reduced fecal noxious gas emission.
  • 학술발표[20160315] Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product modulates inflammatory activity by regulating theTLR4 and NFkB expression in porcine peripheral blood mononuclear cells after lipopolysaccharide challenge.
  • 학술발표[20160315] Effects of lactic acid bacteria complex and Enterococcus faecium DSM 7134 in weanling pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160315] Interactive effect of dietary fermented oat and density of diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and ileal microorganisms in weaning pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160315] Effects of extracted of rice bran supplementation on production performance, feed intake, egg quality and fecal microflora in laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20160315] Evaluating the effects of microencapsulated blends of phytobiotics in the diet of broiler chickens.
  • 학술발표[20160315] Effect of dietary enzyme complex on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and fecal noxious gas emission in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160315] Essential oil and emulsifier in low energy density diets increase growth performance and meat quality of finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160314] Dietary kapok seed meal supplementation improved meat quality without adverse effects on growth Performance in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160314] Effects of complex direct-fed microbial supplementation in different basal diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microbial shedding and noxious gas emission in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160314] Tri-strain probiotics improves performance, excreta microbial shedding and reduces noxious gas emission in broilers.
  • 학술발표[20160314] Potentials of probiotics B. subtilis RX7 and B. methylotrophicus C14 strains as an alternative to antibiotics in Salmonella challenged weaning pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160314] Interactive effect of dietary fermented corn and nutrient density of diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, ileal microorganisms and fecal noxious gas emission in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160314] Effect of crumbled diet on growth performance, market day age and meat quality of growing-finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160314] Efficacy of probiotics B. subtilis RX7 and B. methylotrophicus C14 strains as an alternative to antibiotics in weaned pigs.
  • 학술발표[20160314] Effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation production growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and fecal microbiota in weanling pigs.
  • 학술발표[20151123] Cellulase supplementation benefits performance and apparent faecal digestibility of dietary components sows and their piglets
  • 학술발표[20151123] Dietary lactulose supplementation improves growing-finishing pig performance and gut health through prebiotic mechanism.
  • 학술발표[20151123] Positive effect of protected organic acid on nutrient digestibility and fecal microflora in lactating sows.
  • 학술발표[20151123] Effect of Spanish sweet yacca residue pellet as a replacement for corn on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and haematological profiles in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20151123] A study of nucleotides in weaning pigs challenged with Escherichia coli K88 challenge.
  • 학술발표[20151123] Effect of dietary flavour on performance of sows and their litter at different weaning ages.
  • 학술발표[20151123] Partial fish meal replacement with fermented or enzymatically prepared soybean meal in weaned pig diets.
  • 학술발표[20150720] The effects of exogenous protease enzyme on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microflora, fecal gas emission, and fecal score in weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20150713] Effect of fermentation on ileal digestibility of nutrients and amino acids in soybean meal with low solubility in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20150713] A study on PIT1 gene polymorphism and its association with growth traits in pigs
  • 학술발표[20150713] Ileal digestibility of nutrients and amino acids in conventional hulled (44% CP) and dehulled(48% CP) soy bean meal treated with β mannanase for growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20150713] Effect of dietary protected organic acids on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, microflora and gas emission in weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20150713] Effect of medium chain fatty acids and probiotic (Enterococcus faecium) supplementation on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal score, fecal microflora, and fecal noxious gas emission in weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20150713] Effects of gel based phytogenic feed supplement on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and intestinal morphology in weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20150713] Effect of flavor and sweetener on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, and diarrhea score in weaning pigs
  • 학술발표[20150713] Effect of protected organic acid blends on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and fecal micro flora in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20150713] Effect of phytogenics on egg production, egg quality, excreta microbiota, noxious gas emission and nutrient digestibility in laying hens fed with different density diets
  • 학술발표[20150713] Effects of dietary fiber and benzoic acid on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, reduction of harmful gases, and lipid profiles in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20150713] Effect of astaxanthin produced by Phaffia rhodozyma on growth performance, meat quality, and fecal noxious gas emission in broilers
  • 학술발표[20150713] Egg production, egg quality, blood profiles, cecal microflora, and excreta noxious gas emission in layer hens fed with fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) seed powder
  • 학술발표[20150713] Effect of dietary gamma-aminobutyric acid on egg production, egg quality, blood profiles, cecal microbial populations and excreta gas emission in layers
  • 학술발표[20150713] Effects of lactulose on growth, carcass characteristics, fecal microbiota, and blood constituents in broilers
  • 학술발표[20150713] Extracted rice bran improves performance and fecal parameters in weaning pigs via prebiotic actio
  • 학술발표[20150318] Effect of different levels of fiber and protein on growth performance and fecal characteristics of weaned pigs
  • 학술발표[20150317] Efficacy of adding β-mannanase to hulled (44% CP) and dehulled (48%) soybean meal on growth performance, blood chemistry, fecal microflora, and fecal noxious gas emission in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20150317] Influence of protected organic acid blends in diets with different nutrient densities on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and fecal noxious gas emission in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20150317] Protected organic acid blends as an alternative to antibiotics in finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20150317] A study on the effect of phytogenic supplementation on growing-finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20150317] A study on the effect of phytogenics on weanling pigs challenged with Escherichia coli K88
  • 학술발표[20150317] Effects of fermented, aged garlic concentration supplementation in diets of lactating sows and their piglets
  • 학술발표[20150316] Effect of silicate on growth performance, meat quality, and characteristics in finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20150316] Evaluation of rendered animal protein sources on growth performance and blood chemistry in growing pig
  • 학술발표[20141110] Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Anti-E.coli Bacteriophage on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Fecal Microbial in Broilers
  • 학술발표[20140721] Effect of bromelain supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal score, fecal microflora and noxious gas emission in sows and piglets
  • 학술발표[20140721] The effect of Salicornia herbacea and Dendropanax morbifera on the growth performance, meat quality, fecal microbial population and fecal noxious gas emission in broilers
  • 학술발표[20140721] Effect of rare earth element-yeast on egg production, nutrient digestibility, egg quality, blood profiles, excreta gas emission, and excreta microbiota in laying hens
  • 학술발표[20140721] Effects of bromelain supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microbial shedding, fecal score, and fecal noxious gas emission in weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20140721] Evaluating the effects of Salicornia extract on performance, egg quality and blood profile of laying hens
  • 학술발표[20140721] Effect of Leukonostoc citreum SK2556 fermented korean aged garlic extract (KAGE) on feed intake, production performance, egg quality, odor gas emission from feces, excreta microbiota and hematological profiles in laying hens
  • 학술발표[20140721] Apparent total tract digestibility and Ileal digestibility of dry matter, nitrogen, energy and amino acids in conventional, Bacillus subtilis fermented and enzyme treated soybean meal fed to weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20140721] Effects of nutrifen on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microflora, fecal gas emission, and fecal score in weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20140721] Effects of Bacillus subtilis on growth performance, relative organ weight, meat quality, salmonella population, and blood profiles in broilers
  • 학술발표[20140721] Effects of dietary supplementation rice bran extracton production performance, feed intake, egg quality and excreta microbiota in laying hens
  • 학술발표[20140721] The effect of salmonella inhibitors supplementation on egg production, egg quality, blood profiles, and excreta salmonella in laying hens
  • 학술발표[20140721] Effect of astaxanthin production by the yeast Phaffia rhodozyma on growth performance, blood profiles, meat quality, and slurry noxious gas emission in broilers
  • 학술발표[20140721] Effect of Calsporin on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, organ weight, meat quality and excreta and intestinal microflora and slurry noxious gas emission in broiler chickens
  • 학술발표[20140721] Evaluation of Korean aged garlic extract (AGE) by Leukonostoccitreum SK2556 on production achievement, meat quality, relative organ weight, targeted Escherichia coli colony, slurry gas emission and hematological profiles in broilers
  • 학술발표[20140721] Effect of Nutrifen Supplementation with Different Levels of Metabolic Energy on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Meat Quality, Blood Profile, Excreta Microflora, and Excreta Gas Emission of Broiler Chickens
  • 학술발표[20140721] Effect of fermented organic rare earth (ORE) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, meat quality, relative organ weight, excreta microflora, and noxious gas emission in broiler chickens
  • 학술발표[20140721] Effects of probiotics supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibiliry, carcass characteristics, meat quality, intestinal microflora and fecal noxious gas emission in broilers
  • 학술발표[20140720] Effect of material bioconversion natural complex on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, and fecal microbiota in weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20140720] The effect of vitality mineral liquid complex on production performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, egg quality and excreta microflora in laying hens
  • 학술발표[20140720] Effect of material bioconversion natural complex on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbiota, fecal score, fecal moisture and pH in weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20140317] Effect of Yeast Rare Earth on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profiles, Meat Quality, and Fecal Microbiota in Finishing Pigs
  • 학술발표[20140317] Effect of Bioconversion Natural Complex on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Characteristics, and Fecal Microbiota in Weanling Pigs
  • 학술발표[20140317] Effect of Supplementary Feeding of Italian Ryegrass on Reproductive Performance, Blood Profiles, and Rectum Temperature in the 2nd Parity Sows
  • 학술발표[20140317] Effects of Dietary Fermented Aged Garlic Supplementation on Growth Performance, Digestibility, Blood Profiles, Gas Emissions and Microbiota in Weanling Pigs
  • 학술발표[20140317] Immune System Stimulation of Finishing Pigs is Positively Altered with Vitamin E and Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acid Supplements
  • 학술발표[20140317] Effects of Probiotics Supplementation on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profiles, Fecal Noxious Gas Emission in Growing Pigs
  • 학술발표[20140317] Effect of Phaffia Rhodozyma on Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Characteristics, and Meat Quality in Finishing Pigs
  • 학술발표[20140317] The Effect of Fermented Soybean Meal Supplementation on Nutrient Apparent Total Tract Digestibility and Ileal Digestibility in Weanling Pigs
  • 학술발표[20140317] Effect of Vitality Mineral Liquid Complex on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profile, Fecal Microbiota and Fecal Mineral Content in Weanling Pigs
  • 학술발표[20140317] Effects of Supplementary Feeding of Italian Ryegrass on the Reproductive Performance, Levels of Stress Hormones, Body Temperature, Fecal Score and Fecal Microbiota in Primiparous Sows and in Piglets.
  • 학술발표[20140317] Impact of Management Systems on Reproductive Performance, Hematological Profiles, Rectum Temperature, Fecal Score and Fecal Microbiota in the 2nd Parity Sows
  • 학술발표[20140317] Dietary Supplementation of Curcuma Longa by Bioconversion Technology Improved Growth Performance and Digestibility in Weanling Pigs
  • 학술발표[20140317] Evaluation of Lactulose on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Hematological Characteristics, Targeted E. coli Colony, Fecal Score, Moisture and Noxious Gas Emissions in Weaning Pigs
  • 학술발표[20140317] Evaluation of Extruded Rice as a Replacement for Dried Whey in Weanling Pigs
  • 학술발표[20140317] Productivity Assessment Based on Animal Protein Sources in Weanling Pigs
  • 학술발표[20140317] Impact of Management Systems on Reproductive Performance, Hematological Profiles, Rectum Temperature, Fecal Score and Fecal Microbiota in Primiparous Sows
  • 학술발표[20140317] Effect of Supplementation of Evening Primrose Extract on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Characteristics, Fecal Microbiota and Fecal Score in Weanling Pigs
  • 학술발표[20131126] A direct-fed microbial product increases production efficiency and reduces faecal ammonia levels in pigs
  • 학술발표[20131125] Effect of a microencapsulated blend of organic acids and plant extracts on performance and total-tract apparent digestibility in finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20131017] Effect of lactulose supplementation on performance and nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, extcreta microflora, relative organ weight, and excreta noxious gas emissions in broilers
  • 학술발표[20131016] Effect of different energy levels on the performance and nutrient digestibility of pigs reared in different seasons in Korea
  • 학술발표[20131016] Seasonal effect on the production performance of lactating sows and their litter performance in Korea
  • 학술발표[20131016] Effect of weaning age and creep feed on the production performance of lactating sows and piglets
  • 학술발표[20130712] Effects of nucleotides on growth performance, blood profiles, and fecal microflora in weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20130712] Effect of dietary propolis supplementation on growth performance, blood profiles, relative organ weight, and meat quality in broilers
  • 학술발표[20130712] Effect of propolis on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microflora, fecal score, and intestinal morphology in weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20130712] Effect of phytogenics on growth performance, calcium and phosphorus digestibility, and bone calcium and phosphorus contents in broilers
  • 학술발표[20130712] Effect of different space allocation and energy levels on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in growing-finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20130712] Effects of microencapsulated organic acids and pure botanicals (Aviplus-S) supplementation on reproductive performance, nutrient digestibility, and fecal scores in lactating sows and piglets
  • 학술발표[20130712] Effects of lactulose supplementation on production performance in sows and piglets
  • 학술발표[20130627] 달맞이꽃 추출물 첨가가 돼지 생산성 향상에 미치는 효과
  • 학술발표[20130627] Effect of fermented garlic powder supplementation on growth performance in swine
  • 학술발표[20130311] The effect of phytogenics on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, noxious gas emission, meat grade and quality in growing-finishing pigs fed with different energy density diets
  • 학술발표[20130311] Effects of phytase with different calcium and phosphorous density diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal noxious gas emission, and meat quality in finishing pig.
  • 학술발표[20130311] The effects of phytogenics on egg production, egg quality, excreta microbilta, nixious gas emission, and nutrient digestibility in laying hens with different nutrient density diets.
  • 학술발표[20130311] Effect of levan supplementation on the immune response of growing pig challenged with lipopolysaccharide.
  • 학술발표[20130311] Effect of levan supplementation on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microflora, and fecal noxious gas content in weaning pig.
  • 학술발표[20130311] Effects of molasses supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, fecal moisture, fecal noxious gas emission, and quality in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20130311] Effects of fructan supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal noxious gas content, and fecal microflora in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20130311] The effects of phytogenics on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, intestinal microflora, meat color and relative organ weight after oral challenge with Clostridium perfringens in broilers
  • 학술발표[20130311] The effect of phytogenics on growth performance, fecal score, blood profiles, fecal noxious gas emission, nutrient digestibility, intestinal morphology in weanling pigs challenged with Escherichia coli K88.
  • 학술발표[20130311] The effects of Tempeh supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microflora, and fecal score in weanling pigs.
  • 학술발표[20120718] Effects of YGF-251 extract supplementation on egg production, egg weight, egg quality, blood characteristics, and fecal noxious gas emission in laying hens
  • 학술발표[20120718] Effects of dietary Aviplus-S® supplementation on growth performance, fecal characteristics, and blood profiles in weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20120718] Evaluation of n-3 fatty acid and probiotic supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, relative organ weight, and brest meat characteristics in broilers
  • 학술발표[20120718] Effects of Alcopro® supplementation as energy source on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and blood characteristics in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20120718] Effects of herb supplementation on growth performance, litter performance, and diarrhea occurrence in lactating sows and piglets
  • 학술발표[20120718] Effects of fermented chlorella supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and blood characteristics in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20120718] Effects of eubiotics (VevoVitall®, Crina® Piglets, Cylactin® ME10) supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal noxious gas emission, and fecal microbial shedding in weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20120717] Effects of dietary herb supplementation on growth performance, and appearance of diarrhea in weaning-growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20120717] Effects of egg by-product supplementation on the egg production, nutrient digestibility, egg quality, blood profiles, and fecal noxious gas emission in laying hens
  • 학술발표[20120717] Effects of molasses supplementation on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, fecal moisture, and fecal noxious gas emission in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20120717] Effects of bacteriophage as an alternative for antibiotics on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, relative organ weight, blood profiles, and fecal microbial shedding in broilers
  • 학술발표[20120717] Effects of bacteriophage as an alternative for antibiotics on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microbial shedding, diarrhea score, and fecal moisture content in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20120717] Effects of fermented corn by Bacillus subtilis on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbial shedding, and fecal noxious gas emission in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20120717] Effects of egg by-product supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, relative organ weights, and meat quality in broilers.
  • 학술발표[20120716] Effects of phytoncide supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, diarrhea score, and fecal microbial shedding in weaning pigs
  • 학술발표[20120716] Dietary valine:lysine ratios of 0.80 and 0.85 did not differ performance of primiparous sow and nursing large litters
  • 학술발표[20120716] Effects of different levels of fermented oat on growth performance, diarrhea score, fecal microbial shedding, and fecal noxious gas emission in weaning pigs
  • 학술발표[20120716] Effects of CRINA® Poultry Plus and RONOZYME® ProAct supplementation in different nutrient density diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, relative organ weights, blood profiles, fecal microflora, and fecal noxious gas emission in broilers
  • 학술발표[20120716] Effects of bacteriophage as an alternative for antibiotics on egg performance, egg quality, fecal microbial shedding, and fecal moisture content in laying hens
  • 학술발표[20120716] Evaluation of phytase with different calcium and phosphorous density diet on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, and fecal noxious gas emission in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20120629] Effects of probiotics supplementation on performance and nutrient digestibility in swine
  • 학술발표[20120629] Effects of herb extract mixture supplementation on growth performance in swine
  • 학술발표[20120629] Effects of phenyllactic acid supplementation on blood profiles in broiler chicks, laying hens and pigs
  • 학술발표[20120611] Application of fermented garlic powder on blood characteristics in growing-finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20120611] Impacts of essential oils on blood profiles; implication in swine diet.
  • 학술발표[20120611] Impacts of essential oils on grow performance; implication in swine diet
  • 학술발표[20120611] Successful substitution of antibiotic growth promoters and productivity improvement in porcine farms that fed a novel immune stimulant
  • 학술발표[20120611] Application of wild-ginseng adventitious root meal on blood characteristics in growing and finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20120611] Application of fermented garlic powder on growth performance in growing-finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20120611] Application of wild-ginseng adventitious root meal on growth performance in growing and finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20120320] Effects of dietary supplementation of emulsifier on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and blood characteristics in growing-finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20120320] Effect of probiotics on performance, noxious gas emissions and blood profiles in sows and litter performance
  • 학술발표[20120320] Effects of dietary fermented wheat by bacillus subtilis on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, microbial shedding and fecal noxious gas emission in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20120320] Effects of dietary supplementation of herb on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20120320] Effects of sericite supplementation on nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, and noxious gas emission in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20120320] Effects of dietary Thr:Lys ratio on growth performance and blood profiles in weaning pigs
  • 학술발표[20120319] Determining of the effect of lysine to calorie ratio on growth performance and blood urea nitrogen of growing barrows and gilts in hot season and cool season in a commercial environment.
  • 학술발표[20120319] Evaluation of probiotics with different energy and nutrient density on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristic, fecal microbial shedding and fecal noxious gas content in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20110711] Effects of emulsifier and multi-enzyme on growth performance, organ weight, meat quality and blood characteristics in broilers
  • 학술발표[20110711] Effect of fructooligosaccharide and levan on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristic and diarrhea in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20110711] Evaluation of different lysine to threonine ratios on growth performance, relative organ weight, meat quality and blood profiles in broilers
  • 학술발표[20110711] The effect of Kapok seed meal supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, meat quality, and fatty acids profile in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20110711] Effects of dietary enzyme fermented heat on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, and fecal noxious gas emission in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20110711] Effects of enzyme fermented oat on growth performance, digestibility, blood profile, and fecal gas emission of growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20110711] Effects of creep feed frequency on pre-weaning and postweaning growth performance and behavior of piglet and sow
  • 학술발표[20110711] Effects of dietary multi-carbohydrases on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and blood characteristics in finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20110711] Effects of dietary sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and blood profiles in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20110711] Effects of caprylic acid and Yucca schidigera extract supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microflora and blood profiles in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20110711] Effects of dietary probiotics on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal gas emission, fecal microflora and diarrhea index in weanling pigs.
  • 학술발표[20110711] Effects of dietary supplementation of sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate in a low-energy density diet on growth performance, blood profiles, and relative organ weight in broilers
  • 학술발표[20110711] Effects of β-glucan and probiotics (Bacillus subtilis and Kefir) supplementation on growth performance, blood profile, relative organ weight and meat quality in broiler chickens
  • 학술발표[20110711] The effect of enzyme fermented corn on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, and fecal gas emission in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20110711] Effects of probiotics and probiotics mix on growth performance and blood characteristics
  • 학술발표[20110711] The effect of n-3 fatty acid supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, meat quality and lean and adipose tissue fatty acid profiles in finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20110711] Evaluation the effect of inositol monophosphate supplementation on growth performance, blood profiles and nutrient digestibility in weaning pigs
  • 학술발표[20110711] Effect of dietary β-glucan on growth performance, fecal microbial shedding and immunological responses after lipopolysaccharide challenge in weaned pigs
  • 학술발표[20110624] Impacts of carbohydrases on performance: implications in swine diet
  • 학술발표[20110624] Application of delta aminolevulinic acid supplementation in monogastric animal diet
  • 학술발표[20110314] Influence of herb for increasing milk yield on performance in sows
  • 학술발표[20110314] Enterosorption therapy provided by Calibrin-Z when pigs were fed low zearalenone concentrations
  • 학술발표[20110314] Creep feed: effects of feed flavor supplementation on per-and post-weaning performance and behavior of piglet and sow
  • 학술발표[20110314] Enterosorption therapy provided by Calibrin-Z enterosorbent after pigs were intoxicated by zearalenone
  • 학술발표[20110314] Influence of herbal powder on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20100712] Effects of multi-enzyme and Bacillus subtilis on sow reproductivity.
  • 학술발표[20100712] Effects of fermented garlic powder supplementation on production performance, aee quality and blood characteristics of laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20100712] Effects of dietary bamboo vinegar supplementation on growth performance, blood characteristics, meat quality, fatty acid content and fecal malodor emission in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20100712] Effect of fermented garlic powder on growth performance and blood profiles of weanling pigs.
  • 학술발표[20100712] Evaluation of the effects of dietary enzyme on growth oerformance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and ileal in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20100712] Effects of probiltics (Agarie) supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbial, fecal noxious gas emission and blood characteristics of finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20100712] Effects of dietarycreep feeding on performance, blood characteristics and behavior in sows and piglets.
  • 학술발표[20100712] Effects of dietary medicinal plants (artemisia, acanthopanax, and garlic)on productive parameters in pigs.
  • 학술발표[20100712] Effects of fermented soybean meal on growth performance nuteient digestibility, blood profiles and fecal microorgani는 in weanling pigs.
  • 학술발표[20100712] Effect of meat powder supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and blood characteristics of growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20100712] Effects of dietary wild-ginseng adventitious root meal on egg quality, egg production, and fatty acid content of yolk in egg produced by laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20100712] Effects of cassava on production performance and relative organ weight in Korean native broilers.
  • 학술발표[20100712] Effects of korean herb supplementation(paeniae radix, Angelicae gigantis radix Cnidium rhizome and Polygoni multiflori radix)on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, meat quality and fatty acid content of meat of growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20100712] Effects of cassava on production performance and egg quality in laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20100712] Dietary supplementation with two types of enzyme preparations improves nutrient digestibility in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20100624] Effects of creep feeding period on performance, blood characteristic and behabior in sows and piglets. 학술발표회:191.
  • 학술발표[20100624] Effects of fermented garlic powder supplemetation on growth and blood profile responses in grower-finisher pigs
  • 학술발표[20100624] Effects of prosin (fungus body protein) supplementation on nutrient and ileal amino acid digestibility in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20100315] Growth performance, nutrient digestibility, intestinal morphology, and microbiota in weanling pigs fed single cell protein (SCP)
  • 학술발표[20100315] Effects of Supplementation Mannanase and Xylanase of Low Energy Density Diet on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profiles and Meat Quality in Finishing Pigs.
  • 학술발표[20100315] Effects of Fly Ash Supplementation on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Meat Quality and Fecal Noxious Gas Content in Growing-Finishing Pigs.
  • 학술발표[20100315] Effects of Diet Complexity and Dietary Fermented Soy Protein On Growth Performance and Amino Acids Digestibility in Weanling Pigs.
  • 학술발표[20100315] Effects of Dietary Biotite Supplementation and Stocking Density on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Characteristics and Fecal Malodor Emission in Growing Pigs.
  • 학술발표[20090713] Effects of cysteamine to replace antibiotics on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in weaning pigs.
  • 학술발표[20090713] Utilization of delta-aminolevulinic acid for livestock: Blood characteristics and immune organ weights in broilers.
  • 학술발표[20090713] Effects of dietary probiotics of endospores and complex enzyme supplementation on growth performance in pigs.
  • 학술발표[20090713] Effects of dietary marine microbe accumulating ω-3 fatty acid supplementation on growth performance and carcass characteristics in finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20090713] Effects of dietary wild-ginseng adventitious root meal on growth performance, blood characteristics and meat quality in broiler chicks.
  • 학술발표[20090713] Effects of AROMEX-ME supplementation in high and low nutrient density diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristic, carcass trait and fecal malodor emission in growing-finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20090713] Nutritional evaluation of fermented fish meal (L. acidophilus GB-LC2 and B. licheniformis GB-F2) based on nitrogen balance and nutrient digestibility in comparison with spray-dried plasma protein for weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20090713] Comparative effects of phytase derived from Escherichia coli and Aspergillus niger in laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20090713] Effects of the Chinese herb extract supplementation on growth performance, blood characteristics and meat quality in growing-finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20090713] Effects of delta-aminolevulinic acid and antibiotics on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, hematological status, and immune responses of weanling pigs.
  • 학술발표[20090713] Effects of yucca and Bacillus subtilis on nutrient digestibility, fecal noxious gas content and meat quality in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20090713] Effects of dietary supplementaion of talc on growth performance and meat quality in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20090713] Effects of supplementation with a combination of deltaaminolevulinic acid and chito-oligosaccharide supplementation on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood parameters and appearance of diarrhea in weanling pigs.
  • 학술발표[20090713] Effects of anion emission rock powder supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristic and fecal gas emission of weaning pigs.
  • 학술발표[20090713] Effects of dietary Biomate (Artemisia, Acanthopanax and garlic) on performance in lactating sows.
  • 학술발표[20090625] Influence of EO supplementation and different energy density diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, meat quality and fecal malodor emission in grower-finisher pigs
  • 학술발표[20090625] 생균제와 발효사료의 첨가수준별 소화율 평가
  • 학술발표[20090625] Effect of biotite supplementation and different stocking density on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and fecal malodor emission in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20090625] Effects of phosphorus and amino acid levels on growth performance, meat quality, and amino acid contents in loin muscle of finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20090625] Effects of N-3 Fatty Acids on Performance,Relative Organ Weight and Fatty Acid Composition of Thigh Meat of Broiler Chick
  • 학술발표[20090625] 돼지이동ㆍ합사 시 체중편차가 성장과 혈중 스트레스호르몬에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20090625] Effects of dietary synbiotics anaerobic microflora on growth performance, noxious gas emission and
  • 학술발표[20090316] Effects of two types of carbohydrase supplements on appar-ent ileal and total tract nutrient digestibility of American and Chi-nese distiller's dried grains with solubles(DDSG) in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20090316] Effects of probiotic supplementation on growth perfor-mance, blood immune-related cell population, meat quality and fecal ammonia gas emissions in finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20090316] Evaluation of iron status and iron transfer efficincy in sows following dietary administration of δ-aminolevulinic acid and vitamin
  • 학술발표[20090316] Effects of phenyllactic acid on growth performance, nutri-ent digestibility, microbial shedding, and blood characteristics in pigs.
  • 학술발표[20090316] Effects of American and Chinese DDGS on meat quality and amimo acid comtent of pork
  • 학술발표[20090316] Effects of fat sources on growth performance, blood compo-sition and fatty acid digestibility in weaning pigs
  • 학술발표[20080707] Evaluation of supplemental α-aminolevulinic acid and vitamin C on growth performance, blood characteristics, immune organ weight and iron status in broilers.
  • 학술발표[20080707] Effects of dietary coconut fat powder supplementation on performance, nutrient digestibility and blood and milk characteristics in lactating sow.
  • 학술발표[20080707] Effects of essential oils supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestivility, blood characteristics, fecal noxious gas concentration and meat quality in growing-finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20080707] Effects of dietary organic acid mixture(Iactic acid, formic acid, citric acid, dutyric acid and phosphoric acid) on growth performance, organ weight, blood immunological parameter and intestinal villi morphollogy in broilers.
  • 학술발표[20080707] Effects of dietary supplementation of blended essential oil on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal characteristics in weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20080707] Effects of dietary phytase on growth performance, carcass parameter, meat quality, nutrient digestibility and phosphorus utilization in broilers.
  • 학술발표[20080707] Effects of reducing dietary crude protein, yucca and multi-carbohydrase supplementation on egg production performance, nutrition digestibility, and fecal noxious gas contents in laying hins
  • 학술발표[20080707] Effects of reducing dietary crude protein, yucca and multi-carbohydrase supplementatoin on growth performance, meat quality, nutrient digestibility, and fecal noxious gas contents in broilers
  • 학술발표[20080707] Effects of 델타-aminolevulinic acid and vitamin C supple-mentation on egg performance and quality and hematological characteristics in laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20080707] Effects of dietary Rhodopseudomonas capsulata Rhizopus oligosporus & Aspergillus oryzae on growth performance nutrient digestibility and blood characteristics in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20080707] Effects of bedding types and different crude protein levels on growth performance, visceral organ weight and blood charac-teristics in broiler chickens.
  • 학술발표[20080707] Effects of dietary pine cone meal on egg production, egg quality, serum cholesterol and cholesterol content and fatty acid composition of egg yolk in laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20080707] Effects of dietary Escherichia coli phytase supplementation on growth perflrmance, carcass quality and excretion of copper and zinc concentrations in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20080707] Comparative efficacy of import fish meals and fermented(L.acidophilus GB-LC2) fish meal on growth performance, protein cells concentrations in serum,?utrient digestibility in weanling pigs.
  • 학술발표[20080707] The effect of different copper(inorganic and organic)and fat(tallow and goycerol)sources on growth performance, nutrient digesiobility, and recal excretion profile in growing pigs(regional study).
  • 학술발표[20080707] Effects of dietary level of brewer`s grain on growth per-formance and digestibility in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20080707] Effects of dietary microbial phytase on laying performance, egg quality, phosphorus utilization and nutrient utilization in laying hens
  • 학술발표[20080707] Effects of dietary biotite on growth performance, blood immunological parameters, stress concentration of serum and fecal malodor gas emission in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20080707] Effects of rare earth supplementation on growth performance, blood immunological parameters, meat quality and fecalodor emission gases in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20080707] Effects of dietary pine cone meal on growth performance, serum cholesterol, carcass quality and fatty composition and cholesterol content of meat in broiler chickens.
  • 학술발표[20080626] 생강 및 양파 추출물의 급여가 이유자돈의 성장 및 면역능력에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20080626] 이유자돈 사료내 쌀 익스펜딩 가공물 첨가가 생산성, 혈액성상 및 설사에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20080626] 육계 사료내 옥수수 주정박의 첨가가 육계의 생산성과 영양소 이용률에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20080626] Phytase 첨가가 산란계의 분뇨량 및 질소와 인산 배출에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20080626] Effects of chieooligosaccharide supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibioity, blood characteristics and fecal bacteria counts in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20080626] Effects of dietary organic acid supplementation on growth performance, mutrient digestibility, blood characteristic and fecal microbial population in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20080626] 사료내 phytase 첨가가 육계 암수의 생산성과 분뇨 발생량에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20080626] 육성돈 사료내 palm kernel meal의 이용성 증진을 위한 효소제 첨각에 따른 생산성 및 영양소 소화율에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20080626] Effects of containing glycerol on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20080626] Effects of dietary wild-ginseng adventitious root meal on growth performance, blood characteristics and meat quality in growing-finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20080626] 산란계에게 클로렐라 급여가 난 생산성 및 계란 특성에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20080626] Prebiotics 첨가수준이 in vitro 발효에서 돼지장내발효산물 및 미생물총에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20080626] 이유자돈에서 건조 유청 대체를 위한 옥수수 가공 Bio-starch의 급여 평가
  • 학술발표[20080626] 비육돈에게 클로렐라 급여가 성장능력에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20080626] Development of domestic fermented (L. acidophilus GB-LC2 and B. licheniformis GB-F2) fish meals to alternate imported fish meals for weanling and growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20080626] 사료내 옥수수 주정박의 첨가가 산란계의 생산성에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20080626] In vitro 발효에서 synbiotics가 돼지장내발효산물 및 미생물총에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20080530] 육계에 있어 CLA의 기가별 첨가 급여가 생산성에 미치는 효과.
  • 학술발표[20080530] Effects of Conjufated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Product Supplementation on Growth Performance, Carcass Trait and Blood Immunological parameters in Broilers.
  • 학술발표[20080530] Bacillus subtilis의 급여가 비육돈의 생산성, 육질특성 및 분내 유해가스 발생에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20080530] Effects of phenyllactic acid on blood characteristics, egg production and quality in laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20080530] 보리함유 고단백질 사료의 급여가 비육돈의 생산성 및 도체특성에 미치는 영향.
  • 학술발표[20080530] 비육돈에 있어서 복합생균제의 첨가가 생산성, 면역관련 혈액학적 지표, 육질특성 및 분내 유해가스 함량에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20080317] Effect of dietary vitamin levels and group size on performance of growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20080317] Evaluation of FSP(fermented soy protein) to replace soybean meal in weaned pigs: growth performance, blood urea nitrogen and total protein concentrations in serum and nutrient digestibility.
  • 학술발표[20080317] Comparative efficacy of import fish meals and fermented fish meal on ileal nutrient digestibility in weaned pigs.
  • 학술발표[20080317] Effects of plant protein source containing multienzyme supplementation on performance, nutrient digestibility and milk characteristics in sow.
  • 학술발표[20080317] Effects of chitooligosaccharide supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, and immune responses after lipopolysaccharide challenge in weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20080317] Effects of dietary pine cone meal on growth performance, blood characteristics, carcass quality and fecal order emission gases in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20080317] Effects of feeding fermented soy protein(FSP) on nitrogen balance and apparent ileal amino acid digestibility in weaned pigs.
  • 학술발표[20080317] Effects of single or multi-enzyme preparations supplemen-tation in corn distillers dried grains with solubles diet on growth performance,nutrients digestibility and serum characteristics in 50kg pigs.
  • 학술발표[20080317] Effects of dietary probiotic complex(Lactobacillus acidophi-lus,Bacillus subtilis & Aspergillus oryzae) on growth performance, blood immunological parameters and fecal malodor gas emission in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20080317] Effects of transgenic Bacillus subtilis secreting chitinase supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and carcass traits in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20070709] Effect of dietary Bacillus subtilis on growth performance, immunological cells change, fecal NH3-N concentration and carcass meat quality characteristics in ?nishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20070709] Effects of fermented wild-ginseng culture by-products on egg productivity, egg quality, blood characteristics and ginsenoside concentration of yolk in laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20070709] Effects of dietary supplemental Megazone® on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, blood characteristics, meat quality and carcass traits in weaning-to-fnishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20070709] The effect of chitosan and natural mineral complex supplementation on egg production and egg characteristic in laying hens
  • 학술발표[20070709] Effects of supplemental humic substances on egg production and quality in laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20070709] Interaction of dietary nutrient density and crowd density on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, blood characteristics and hormone concentration in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20070709] The effects of environment-friendly diets on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal excretion, nitrogen excretion and emission gas in swine manure of growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20070709] The effect of soybean oil, tallow and coconut oil supplementation on growth performance, serum lipid changes and nutrient digestibility in weaned pigs
  • 학술발표[20070709] Effects of σ-aminolevulinic acid on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, blood characteristics and immune responses of weanling pigs challenged with lipopolysaccharide
  • 학술발표[20070709] Effect of plant extracts on growth performance and immune status in weaning pigs
  • 학술발표[20070709] Effects of feeding lactic acid bacteria-based direct-fed microbial complex on growth performance, diarrhea appearance and blood characteristics in pigs
  • 학술발표[20070709] Cupric methionate affect nutrients digestibility and fecal pH and Cu concentration
  • 학술발표[20070709] Evaluation of dietary L-carnitine or garlic powder on growth performance, dry matter and nitrogen digestibilities, blood pro?les and meat quality in ?nishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20070709] Effects of dietary Lactobacillus brevis supplementation on growth performance, dry matter and nitrogen digestibilities, blood cell counts and fecal odor emission compounds in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20070709] Effects of fermented wild-ginseng culture by-products on growth performance, blood characteristics, meat quality and ginsenoside concentration of meat in ?nishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20070709] Effects of supplemental humic substances on quality and fatty acid pro?le of meat in fnishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20070709] Effects of dietary herbs and coral mineral complex on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, blood characteristics and meat quality in ?nishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20070709] Effects of feeding rye silage with different periods on growth performance, blood characteristics and carcass quality in ?nishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20070709] Effects of phytogenic substances on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, fecal noxious gas content, blood characteristics, milk characteristics and reproduction in sows and litters performance
  • 학술발표[20070709] Effects of dietary delta-aminolevulinic acid supplementation on egg production, egg quality and blood parameters in laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20070628] 육성돈 사료내 항생제 대체물질로서 상황버섯 균사체 제제(Phellinus Linteus hypha) 및 cystamine 첨가가 성장능력, 영양소 소화율 및 혈액내 면역세포 함량에 미치는 영향.
  • 학술발표[20070628] 호맥 사일리지의 급여와 영양소 수준의 차이가 비육돈의 생산성, 혈액 성상 및 도체특성에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20070628] 복합효소제가 첨가된 식물성단백질공급원 급여에 따른 포유모돈의 생산성, 영양소 소화율 및 혈액성상에 미치는 효과.
  • 학술발표[20070628] 돼지소모성질환 발생감소를 위한 농가 실태조사 분석
  • 학술발표[20070628] 유기사료 급여가 돼지의 발육, 도체 및 육질특성에 미치는 영향.
  • 학술발표[20070628] Comparative efficacy of import fish meals and fermented fish meal on nitrogen balance, nutrient digestibility and creatinine and blood urea nitrogen concentrations in weaned pigs
  • 학술발표[20070628] Multienzyme preparation supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and fecal noxious gas contents in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20070628] 식물추출물의 급여가 자돈의 성장 및 면역능력에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20070628] Effect of olive oil supplementation on egg quality, cholesterol characteristic and yolk fatty acid concentration in laying hens
  • 학술발표[20070628] Effects of supplemental olive oil on growth performance, carcass traits, blood characteristics and fatty acid composition of meats in broilers.
  • 학술발표[20070628] Effect of dietary Bacillus subtilis supplementation on growth performance, dry matter and nitrogen digestibilities and odor emission in growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20070628] Effect of dietary lactobacillus reuteri and non-starch polysaccharide on growth performance, dry matter and nitrogen digestibilities, serum urea nitrogen, meat quality and odor emission in fattening pigs
  • 학술발표[20070628] 돼지 사료내 메가존 첨가 급여가 발육, 도체, 육질특성 및 영양소 소화율에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20070628] 육성돈에 대한 농산부산물의 사료가치 평가
  • 학술발표[20070628] Probiotic properties of lactobacillus salivarius CPM-7 isolated from chicken feces.
  • 학술발표[20070518] 육성-비육돈 사료 내 포도 발효 부산물 첨가가 성장능력, 영양소 소화율 및 육질 특성에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20070518] 산란계 사료 내 CLA와 불포화지방 함유 Oil의 혼합 급여 시 산란율, 계란의 품질 및 지방산 조성 변화에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20070518] 산란계 사료 내 CLA전구물질 급여를 통한 산란율 및 계란의 품질에 미치는 영향.
  • 학술발표[20070518] 형태별 구리 및 아연 급여가 비육돈의 생산성, 영양소 소화율, 육질 및 도체 특성에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20060918] Effect of feeding rye silage on growth performance, blood and carcass characteristics in finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20060918] Growth performance, blood urea nitrogen and fecal noxious gas emission in finishing pigs as affected by nonstarch polysaccharide level.
  • 학술발표[20060918] Effect of medicinal plants (atremisia, acantopanax and garlic) by solvent extract methods on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and IGF-1 concentration in nursery pigs.
  • 학술발표[20060918] Effects of δ-aminolevulinic acid to different protein source nursery diets on growth performance, hemoglobin concentration and skin color.
  • 학술발표[20060918] Effects of feed processing technologies on egg characteristic and nutrient digestibility on laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20060918] Effects of dietary ginseng and wild ginseng culture by product on growth performance and pork quality in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20060918] Effects of dietary herbal plant mixture (Koppuul) on growth performance, immunological cells change, fecal VFA and NH3-N concentration in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20060918] Effects of dietary of MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane) on growth performance and meat quality characteristics in pigs.
  • 학술발표[20060918] Effect of selenium and vitamin E supplementation on meat quality and storage stability in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20060918] The effect of fermented soy product (pepsoygen) on finishing pig performance and carcass characteristics.
  • 학술발표[20060918] Evaluation of δ-aminolevulinic acid as an alternative substance to antibiotics in weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20060710] Effects of reducing dietary crude protein on growth performance, noxious gas emission from manure and blood urea nitrogen and IGF-1 concentrations of serum in nursery pigs.
  • 학술발표[20060710] Effect of feeding rye silage on growth performance, blood and carcass characteristics in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20060710] Effect of feeding rye silage and feed restriction on performance and reproductive development in developing gilts.
  • 학술발표[20060710] Effect of protease supplementation selected from mud flat microorganism on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, total protein and BUN concentration in broilers.
  • 학술발표[20060710] Effects of dietary bacillus-based probiotic on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and fecal noxious gas content in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20060710] Effect of copper and zinc supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and carcass characteristics in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20060710] Effect of protease supplementation selected from mud flat microorganism on egg quality, nutrient digestibility and total protein concentration in laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20060710] The evaluation of several protein sources on amino acids digestibility in early-weaned pigs.
  • 학술발표[20060710] The effects of fermented soy protein in simple or complex diet on growth rformance and amino acids digestibility in weaned pigs.
  • 학술발표[20060710] Optimal lysine level of fermented soy protein diet in weaned pig.
  • 학술발표[20060710] Effects of dietary delta-aminolevulinic acid and chitooligosaccharide on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and hematological characteristics in weanling pigs.
  • 학술발표[20060710] Effect of Se and vitamin E supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and blood characteristics in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20060710] Effects of dietary delta-aminolevulinic acid and chitooligosaccharide on egg production, egg quality and hematological characteristics in laying hens.
  • 학술발표[20060710] Effects of dietary probiotic on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and fecal noxious gas content in growing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20060512] Effects of the phytogenic feed additive FRESTA F Conc in weaned piglets
  • 학술발표[20060512] Phytogenic substances and their effect on immune response and reproduction performance in piglets and sows
  • 학술발표[20050725] Effects of dietary Enterococcus faecium on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, hematological change and fecal noxious gas content in finishing pigs.
  • 학술발표[20050725] Effect of essential oil(Fresta F Conc) supplementation on growth performance, immune response and fecal noxious gas of weaned pigs
  • 학술발표[20050725] Effect of dietary herb products(Animunin Powder) on egg characteristic, blood components and nutrient digestibility in laying hens
  • 학술발표[20050725] Influence of Bacillus subtilis supplementation on egg quality, blood characteristics and fecal NH3-N in laying hens
  • 학술발표[20050725] The effects of fermented soy protein in creep diet on growth performance in piglets and backfat loss in lactation sows
  • 학술발표[20050725] The effect of dietary natural mineral liquid complex on growth performance and blood characteristics in broiler
  • 학술발표[20050623] 비육돈에 있어 사료의 2차 가공이 성장 및 영양소 소화율에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20050623] 갯지렁이 유래 단백질 분해 효소제의 급여가 비육돈의 성장률, 아미노산 소화율, 혈액성상, 육질특성 및 분내 휘발성 지방산과 NH3-N 함량에 미치는 영향.
  • 학술발표[20050322] The effects of herbal plant mixture(Miracle20) supplementation on the productions of lactating sows and growth performance and hematological changes of piglets
  • 학술발표[20050322] The effects of dietary Biotite V supplementation on growth performance, nutrients digestibility and fecal noxious gas content in finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20050322] The effect of dried palm oil powder containing different amount of monoglyceride on the growth performance and serological cholesterol changes in weaned pigs
  • 학술발표[20040725] Effects of RPC(rice protein concentration) as a substitute for protein sources in weaning pigs
  • 학술발표[20040725] The effects of bacillus and active yeast complex supplementation on the performance, fecal bacillus counts and ammonia nitrogen concentration in weaned pigs
  • 학술발표[20040725] Effects of dietary herbal extracts(Animon Plus) on growth performance and blood composition in nursery and growing pigs
  • 학술발표[20040725] Effects of dietary antibiotics on growth performance in pigs
  • 학술발표[20040725] Effect of dietary natural herb extract(Biomate)supplementation on growth performance, IGF-1 and carcass characteristics in growing-finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20040725] Effect of protein level and dietary germanium Biotite(Biotite ) on egg production, egg quality and fecal volatile fatty acid in laying hens
  • 학술발표[20040725] Effect of microbial phytase in low phosphorus and calcium level diet on the performance and nutrient digestibility in laying hens
  • 학술발표[20040712] 오징어 부산물을 이용한 타우린 돈육 생산
  • 학술발표[20040624] 비육돈에 있어 생약제와 바이오세라믹(약돌) 혼합물의 급여가 성장 및 도체 특성에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20040624] 30kg 돼지에 있어 항생제와 MSM(Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) 급여가 성장 및 영양소 소화율에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20040315] Influence of dietary Delta-aminolevulinic acid supplementation on growth performance and hematological changes in weaned pigs
  • 학술발표[20040315] Effects of feeding levels and paricle size of Biotite V on growth performance, nutriwnt digestibility and fecal NH3-N and volatile fatty acids in nursery pigs
  • 학술발표[20040315] Effects of dietary natural herb extract(Biomate) supplementation on growth performance and meat quality in finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20030929] 비육돈에 있어서 바이오메이트의 첨가가 생산성 및 돈육의 품질에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20030921] The effect of Orego-stim(Oregano essential oil) supplementation on growth performance
  • 학술발표[20030625] 산란계 사료내 게르마늄 흑운모의 첨가가 난각특성 및 분내 유해가스 함량에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20030625] 육계에 있어 게르마늄 흑운모의 첨가가 성장 및 혈액성상에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20030622] The effects of herb plant mixture(MIRACLE 20) supplementation on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility and serological changes in finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20030622] Effects of feeding germanium biotite on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and serum characteristics in nursery pigs
  • 학술발표[20030622] The effects of feeding processed soy protein on the growth performance in weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20030622] Influence of dietary δ-aminolevulinic acid on growth performance and skin color in weaned pigs
  • 학술발표[20030610] Effects of dietary germanium biotite on growth performance, cholesterol contents and pollutant excretion in finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20030610] The effects of feeding processed soy protein on ileal digestibility in weanling pigs
  • 학술발표[20030509] 기호성 육질개선을 위한 양돈생산
  • 학술발표[20030108] 임신돈, 포유돈의 사양관리
  • 학술발표[20021109] 돈육 부위별 타우린과 지질함량에 대한 식이 중 타우린 첨가 효과
  • 학술발표[20020721] Energy of various soybean meal, rapeseed meal and coconut meal in finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20020721] The effects of supplemental plant or microbial phytase and organic acid on growth performance and nutrient digestibilities in nursery pigs
  • 학술발표[20020721] The effect of multi-enzyme supplementation on ileal and fecal digestibility of corn-soybean meal based diet in the finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20020721] Effects of iron-enriched yeast supplementation on iron utilization in nursery pigs
  • 학술발표[20020721] Evaluation of germanium biotite as a substitute for antibiotics in growing pig diets
  • 학술발표[20020721] Utilization of spray-dried egg protein containing specific egg yolk antibodies for weaned pigs
  • 학술발표[20020721] Effects of germanium biotite supplementation on the growth performance and serum characteristics in nursery pigs
  • 학술발표[20020601] 식이 중 타우린 첨가에 의한 비육돈의 지질 저하 효과
  • 학술발표[20010628] 양파의 첨가가 비육돈의 성장 및 혈중 콜레스테롤 함량에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20010628] Effects of Phytezyme supplementation on the Growth Performance and Nutrient Availability in Growing-Finishing Pigs
  • 학술발표[20010628] Fermkito의 첨가가 산란계의 혈청 및 난황내 콜레스테롤 함량과 계란품질에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20010628] 설사증 예방을 위한 장독성 대장균 987P 및 K88 난황항체의 첨가 효과
  • 학술발표[20010628] 진공발효공정을 통한 도계부산물의 비육돈 사료원료 평가
  • 학술발표[20010628] 자돈 액상사료를 위한 돈분으로부터 분리된 유산균주의 첨가 효과
  • 학술발표[20010628] Effects of Corn Particle Size and Expander Processing on Growth Performance and Nutrient Digestibility in Early-late Finishing Pigs
  • 학술발표[20010628] Effects of Corn Particle Size on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Feed Cost Effectiveness in Pigs
  • 학술발표[20010615] 사료내 비타민 E의 추가급여가 돈육질에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20001027] 저공해성 산란계 사료 개발을 위한 영양소 균형 평가
  • 학술발표[20001027] 인분해효소를 이용한 환경친화성 육성돈사료개발
  • 학술발표[20000701] Effects of processing technologies and genetic modifications on nutritional value of full-fat soybeans in pigs
  • 학술발표[20000622] Effects of yucca extract supplementation on the growth performance and serum characteristics of finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20000622] Phytase 첨가 및 Extrusion처리 쌀겨가 함유된 비육돈 사료의 Ca:P비율이 Ca 및 P 이용성에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20000622] Effects of expanding diets on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in growing and finishing pigs
  • 학술발표[20000622] 육성돈 사료에 Endo-Power B 의 첨가가 성장 및 소화율에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20000622] 육성비육돈에 있어서 고-저 영양소 수준의 사료급여가 생산성에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20000622] 산란계 사료내 sea shell 첨가로 인한 난각질 향상에 미치는 효과
  • 학술발표[20000622] 조기이유자돈에서 장독성 대장균(ETEC 987P) 설사 발생시 이유시기에 따른 난황항체의 첨가 효과
  • 학술발표[20000622] 조기이유자돈을 위한 단백공급원으로서의 항체가 함유된 분무건조전난에 관한 영양소 평가