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독고석 | 대학원 토목환경공학과 (제3공학관)

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1998년 서울대학교 대학원 상하수도 공학 박사학위를 취득후 1999년~2001년, 2년간 일본 東京대학 환경안전센타(Environmental Science Center)에서 특별연구원
한국과학재단 <젊은 과학자 지원연구실>및 건교부 <해수담수화 사업단>에서 RO막관련 연구를 수행함. 2010~2011 미국 University of Massachusetts에서 Visiting Scholar로서 Arsenic adsorbent 국제공동연구 수행. 2013~2019 한국연구재단 캄보디아 글로벌물적정기술센터 연구책임자. 2016~2020 환경부 에코스마트 연구사업 세부연구책임자


  • [1988] 학사 서울대학교 / 토목공학 / 상하수도공학
  • [1995] 석사 서울대학교 / 도시공학 / 상하수도공학
  • [1998] 박사 서울대학교 / 도시공학 / 상하수도공학


용존공기부상공정(DAF): 마이크로 버블 부상을 이용한 수처리제거 연구
중금속흡착제; Arsenic, phosphorous 흡착제 개발연구
NF/RO membrane

컨설팅 가능 분야

- 정수처리 공정에서 발생되는 문제점, 특히 전처리 공정상의 응집제 및 정전기적 역할에 관련된 처리공정의 최적화 등
- 용존공기부상공정(Dissolved Air Flotation)을 적용한 수처리 공정
- 막(membrane)을 이용한 수처리 공정
- 개발도상국내 수질오염 및 개선방안


  • 일반논문[20240831] Adsorption performance and mechanism of a starch-stabilized ferromanganese binary oxide for the removal of phosphate
  • 일반논문[20231101] Process analysis of microplastic aging during the photochemical oxidation process and its effect on the adsorption behavior of dissolved organic matter
  • 일반논문[20231001] Pilot-scale study on the performance of high-rate DAF based on removal of organic precursors and formation characteristics of disinfection by-products
  • 일반논문[20220901] Low-energy high-rate flotation technology for reduction of organic matter and disinfection by-products formation potential: A pilot-scale study
  • 일반논문[20211001] Degradation effect of ultraviolet-induced advanced oxidation of chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and hydrogen peroxide and its impact on coagulation of extracellular organic matter produced by Microcystis aeruginosa
  • 일반논문[20210831] Enhanced flotation technology using low-density microhollow beads to remove algae from a drinking water source
  • 일반논문[20210831] Assessing the efficacy of dissolved air and flash-pressurized flotations using low energy for the removal of organic precursors and disinfection byproducts: a pilot-scale study
  • 일반논문[20200901] Removal behavior of microplastics using alum coagulant and its enhancement using polyamine-coated sand
  • 일반논문[20200701] Models for predicting carbonaceous disinfection by-products formation in drinking water treatment plants: a case study of South Korea
  • 일반논문[20200101] Experimental approaches for identifying the impact of enhanced flotation technology using hollow microspheres
  • 일반논문[20200101] Reduction characteristics of disinfection by-product (DBPs) generated by allogenic organic matter(AOM) using micro-hollow beads in terms of particulate removal
  • 일반논문[20191101] Formation characteristics of carbonaceous and nitrogenous disinfection by-products depending on residual organic compounds by CGS and DAF
  • 일반논문[20171101] Improvement of hydraulic loading rate by optimization of internal characteristics of dissolved air flotation
  • 일반논문[20171001] Effect of DAF configuration on the removal of phosphorus and organic matter by a pilot plant treating combined sewer overflows
  • 일반논문[20170410] Transforming membrane technologies as appropriate technologies through cost-effective enhancements
  • 일반논문[20160322] Membrane hybrid system combined with a trickling filter and a thin layer of biosand to reduce high levels of organic matter in drinking water in developing countries
  • 일반논문[20160302] Development of a hybrid system for advanced wastewater treatment using high-rate settling and a flotation system with ballasted media
  • 일반논문[20151201] Feasibility study of high-rate dissolved air flotation process for rapid wastewater treatment
  • 일반논문[20150925] Arsenate removal using a hybrid system of adsorbents and a microfiltration membrane
  • 일반논문[20150801] Reduction of organic matter in drinking water using a hybrid system combined with a rock biofilter and membrane in developing countries
  • 일반논문[20150710] Sustainable technology of trickling biosand filter (TBSF) combined with rock media to reduce organic matters for drinking water
  • 일반논문[20150708] Adsorptive removal of arsenate using inorganic magnetite particles
  • 일반논문[20150417] Development of a hybrid treatment system for combined sewer overflows using a hydrocyclone and a dissolved air flotation system
  • 일반논문[20150311] Effects of rainfall characteristics on corrosion indices in Korean river basins
  • 일반논문[20150311] LSI characteristics based on seasonal changes at water treatment plant of Korea
  • 일반논문[20140801] Characterizing stormwater treatment efficiency at the laboratory scale for effective rain garden design
  • 일반논문[20140701] Modeling and experiment for removal of algae and nutrient using a DAF system installed on a ferryboat
  • 일반논문[20140701] Characteristics of DBPs reduction of AOM by dissolved air flotation
  • 일반논문[20140501] Reduction of phosphorous at WWTP combined with DAF and A2/O
  • 일반논문[20140220] 개발도상국과 Win-Win 개발협력을 위한 적정기술
  • 일반논문[20131030] 개발도상국에서 Hybrid Ferric-Manganese-Silica Oxide를 적용한 비소 제거용 정수 BSFilter 적정기술개발
  • 일반논문[20131030] Phosphate removal using novel combined Fe-Mn-Si oxide adsorbent
  • 일반논문[20130801] Arsenic removal using novel combined Fe/Mn adsorbent modified with silica
  • 일반논문[20121230] 해수담수화 전처리로서 DAF공정에서 고온의 해수에 대한 영향 특성
  • 일반논문[20120515] Arsenate removal from simulated groundwater with a Donnan dialyzer
  • 일반논문[20120301] High removal of phosphate from wastewater using silica sulfate
  • 일반논문[20111010] The formation mechanism of Al and its purification with an ethanol acetone fractional precipitation method
  • 일반논문[20110630] 역삼투막 공정에서 Direct Osmosis의 역방향 Flux 기초특성
  • 일반논문[20110430] 나노입자의 현황조사 및 처리방안 마련을 위한 문헌연구
  • 일반논문[20101015] 배수구역의 평균수압결정을 위한 최소수압측정기간
  • 일반논문[20101001] Analysis of flushing-path effects in water-distribution networks
  • 일반논문[20100928] Physico-chemical Characteristics by Chemical Cleaning on the Surface of RO Membrane
  • 일반논문[20100215] Characteristics of SiO2 Scale Removal by Chemical Cleaning in Reverse Osmosis Membrane Process
  • 일반논문[20090228] 생물막 끈상여재를 이용한 낙차형태별 수중 미량유해물질 ibuprofen, acetaminophen, caffeine분해특성
  • 일반논문[20090201] Effect of hydraulic conditions and disinfectants on biofilm in model distribution systems
  • 일반논문[20090201] Characteristics of water quality and extracellular polymeric substances in trickling filter system using plastic fiber media
  • 일반논문[20080615] 효과적 공간활용을 위한 side stream plug-flow reactor를 이용한 하수고도처리 공정적용에 관한 연구
  • 일반논문[20080215] 끈상여재를 이용한 Trickling Filter 반응조에서의 EPS반응특성
  • 일반논문[20061201] Determination of design capacity for water transmission systems based on the characteristics of regional peak factors
  • 일반논문[20060815] DAF슬러지의 부상식 농축;고형물 플럭스법 적용과 영향인자
  • 일반논문[20060501] Application of the flotation process to thicken the sludge from a DAF plant
  • 일반논문[20060415] 용담호소내Chlorophyl-a와 유기물 저감을 위한 부상기법 적용 연구
  • 일반논문[20051031] 강우 확률년수의 설정이 우수관거 설계에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[20050415] 전해부상법에서 미세기포와 입자의 기초특성 연구를 통한 제거 효율(A removal efficiency from fundamental characteristics of microbubbles and particles in electroflotation)
  • 일반논문[20050415] 전해부상에 의한 상수 슬러지 농축효율(Sludge thickening using electro-flotation in water treatment plant)
  • 일반논문[20041230] Fundamental characteristics of bubbles and ramifications for the flotation process
  • 일반논문[20040415] 부상공정에서 금속이온의 기포 표면 전위 특성 및 반응효율(The reaction efficiency and surface characteristics for metallic ions in air flotation process)
  • 일반논문[20040415] DAF에서 기포의 크기제어 및 영향 분석(Analysis of controlling the size of microbubble in DAF)
  • 일반논문[20040415] 부영양화 효소에서의 우점종 조류 제거를 위한 DAF기술(DAF technology for various kind of plankton removal from eutrophic lakes)
  • 일반논문[20031215] 강우지속시간별 빗물수질특성 분석(haracteristic analysis of rainwater quality at different rainfall duration)
  • 일반논문[20031215] HBC media를 이용한 살수여상 공정에서 온도와 내부순환비의 영향 평가(Evaluation of effect of temperation and recycling ratio in a trickling filter process using HBC media)
  • 일반논문[20031015] 빗물의 용도결정을 위한 세균학적 안전성 및 수질 평가(Evaluation of bacteriological security and water quality on rainwater for determination of usage)
  • 일반논문[20021015] 용존공기부상법(DAF)에서 충돌메커니즙의 영향요인 분석(Analysis of factors affecting the collision mechanism in DAF)
  • 일반논문[20020910] A novel application of a submerged nanofiltration membrane bioreactor(NF MBR) for wastewater treatment
  • 일반논문[20020815] 식물플랑크톤주변 표면막의 제타전위와 DAF기술(Zeta potential on the surface of plankton cells and DAF technology)
  • 일반논문[20010910] Collision efficiency factor of bubble and particle(abp) in DAF : theory and experimental verification
  • 저서/역서[20040910] 폐수처리공학 1
  • 지식재산권[20080407] 미생물접촉여재를 장착한 경사형 생태낙차블록을 이용한 수질정화법
  • 지식재산권[20070716] 미생물막 끈상여재를 포함하는 레버린스 및 이를 이용한 수질정화방법
  • 학술발표[20160323] Cyclone-DAF를 이용한 하수처리수내 총인 고효율 저감기술
  • 학술발표[20160323] 개발도상국내 고농도 유기물 함유 원수 수질개선
  • 학술발표[20160310] 하수처리기술의 정수처리적용
  • 학술발표[20160310] 흡착제와 MF membrane의 일체형 장치를 이용한 As제거특성
  • 학술발표[20150929] Reduction of phosphorous in discharged wastewater by a hybrid system of hydrocyclone and DAF
  • 학술발표[20150928] Improved DAF system to remove nutrient salt and organic matter
  • 학술발표[20150928] Adsorptive removal of arsenate (V) using inorganic magnetite particles
  • 학술발표[20150928] Reduction of organic matter and microorganisms by a hybrid system (biosand filter coupled with trickling filter) for a safe and sustainable drinking water treatment system in developing countries
  • 학술발표[20150928] Arsenic [As(V)] removal using hybrid system with adsorbents and MF membrane
  • 학술발표[20141202] Reduction of organic matter for drinking water using hybrid system combined with rock biofilter and membrane in developing countries
  • 학술발표[20141202] Arsenate(v) removal characteristics by combining abssorbents with membrane
  • 학술발표[20141026] Eco Solutions for Unsewered Areas
  • 학술발표[20141023] N-DBP effect and mitigation of algae effect using multiple barrier system in water treatment plant
  • 학술발표[20141012] Household water treatment system: Appropriate technology of novel biosand filter to reduce organic matters in developing countries
  • 학술발표[20141012] Development of a hybrid treatment system for combined sewer overflows using a hydrocyclone and a dissolved air flotation system
  • 학술발표[20140829] Introduction of global appropriate technology center innovation water center(iwc) in cambodia
  • 학술발표[20140516] 융합기술로서의 적정기술의 방향성과 적용
  • 학술발표[20131226] water management strategy and algal blooming in korea
  • 학술발표[20131031] The effect of rainfall characteristics at drainage area on the corrosion index
  • 학술발표[20131031] Characteristics of DBPs formation of AOM after dissolved air flotation process
  • 학술발표[20131030] Monitoring of phosphorous reduction at WWTP combined with DAF and A2O
  • 학술발표[20131030] Appropriate technology using a combined system with trickling filter and biosand filter for drinking water treatment in water pan of Africa
  • 학술발표[20121101] Removal of phosphorus from effluent of a wastewater treatment plant using a hybrid of A2O and DAF treatment
  • 학술발표[20121030] characteristics of pre-treatment for the seawater reverse osmosis process at high temperature
  • 학술발표[20120917] Improved biosand filter (BSF) combined with ferric manganese silica oxides to remove arsenic
  • 학술발표[20120913] Scaling potential and corrosion index characteristics in water produced by the Sungnam water treatmentplant
  • 학술발표[20120910] Algae and nutrient removal using a ferry boat installed with DAF system in the lake
  • 학술발표[20111102] Characteristics of RO membrane to treat oily seawater in high temperature
  • 학술발표[20101110] Development of high efficiency adsorbent using ferric manganese oxide modified with silica
  • 학술발표[20091119] 배수관망에 있어서 플러링 경로와 배수면적이 플러싱에 미치는 영향
  • 학술발표[20091118] 국경 없는 기술자회 소개
  • 학술발표[20091118] XP-SWMM 모델에서 하수량 시간 변화율 및 강우상황에 따른 CSOs 발생특성
  • 학술발표[20091118] 요일별 하수발생패턴 분석에 따른 기저하수발생량 산정방법 및 유입수량 비교 분석
  • 학술발표[20091021] Analysis of Flushing Path Effects in Water Distribution Networks
  • 학술발표[20091020] Analysis of Performance Index of Water Quality According to Degree of Separation in Sewer Rehabilitation
  • 학술발표[20091020] Physico-Chemical Characteristics by Chemical Cleaning on the Surface of RO Membrane
  • 학술발표[20090728] Characteristics of Physico-Chemical Cleaning of RO Membrane
  • 학술발표[20081113] SiO₂Fouling 및 화학적 세정이 RO막 표면에 미치는 물리적 특성 변화 연구
  • 학술발표[20081113] Fouling과 Cleaning에 의한 RO막 표면의 정전기적 영향분석
  • 학술발표[20081113] 역삼투 막에서 세정에 따른 표면의 화학적 성상변화 연구
  • 학술발표[20080425] 자연형 하천내 생물막 낙차블록을 이용한 수질정화장치의 특성연구
  • 학술발표[20070911] Characteristics of diffused and dissolved air flotation to treat suspended solids in combined sewer overflows
  • 학술발표[20070523] Characteristic of water quality and extracellular polymeric substances in trickling filter system using plastic fiber media
  • 학술발표[20070523] The outlier analysis methodology for actual measurement data of domestic water consumption
  • 학술발표[20060915] Determination of Design Capacity for Water Transmission Systems Based on the characteristics of Regional Peak Factors
  • 학술발표[20060422] DAF 슬러지의 부상식 고형물플럭스법 적용
  • 학술발표[20060422] CSOs 내 SS의 특성이 침전 및 부상에 미치는 영향 연구
  • 학술발표[20060422] 하천수의 조경용수 활용을 위한 침강실험 및 Jar-test최적화연구
  • 학술발표[20051110] 용담호소내 Chlorophyl-a와 DOC저감을 위한 부상기법적용연구
  • 학술발표[20051110] 도시지역 비점오염원 저감을 위한 적정여재의 효율특성에 관한 연구
  • 학술발표[20050602] Research for application of SCD process to real WTP
  • 학술발표[20050602] Application of flotation process to thicken the sludge from DAF plant
  • 학술발표[20041201] Removal efficiency from fundamental chracteristics of micro-buble and particle in electro-flotation by modeling
  • 학술발표[20041111] 측우기 네트워크의 세계화 방안
  • 학술발표[20040919] Size Effect between Microbubble and Floc in Dissolved Air Flotation Process
  • 학술발표[20040604] 전해부상법에서 미세기포와 입자의 기초특성 연구를 통한 제거효율(A removal efficiency from fundamental charateristics of microbubble and particle in electroflotation)
  • 학술발표[20040604] 전해부상에 의한 상수 슬러지 농축 효율(Thickenng of water treatment plant sludge by electro-flotation)
  • 학술발표[20040319] Effect of size optimization between microbubble and floc in dissolved air flotation process
  • 학술발표[20040319] Evaluation of bacteriological security and water quality on rainwater for determination of usage
  • 학술발표[20040317] Prevention of Urbon Flooding by Rainwater Storage
  • 학술발표[20031031] 전북지역내 빗물수질특성 및 활용실태조사(Characteristic analtsis of rainwater quality and survey research of utilization in Chonbuk province)
  • 학술발표[20030930] 미세기포와 입자간 메커니즘 규명을 위한 모델링 및 검증(Theory and experimental verification of DAF reaction mechanism)
  • 학술발표[20030929] DAF에서 미세기포 크기제어 영향(Effect of controlling the size of microbubble in DAF)
  • 학술발표[20020517] 용존공기부상법에서 충돌메커니즘의 영향요인 분석(Analysis of factors affecting the collision mechanism in DAF)
  • 학술발표[20020410] Electrostatic Characteristics of Nanofiltration Membrane in Submerged NF MBR System